Friday, February 25, 2011

Hate being sick

Last night I just ached all over. My head was killing me and I was so cold. Around 5ish I had to run to the toilet because I was afraid I was going to vomit. So I didn't get to workout today. My stomach is doing a little better. Not by much. It just feels a bit unsettled. I'll have to make sure I take a few extra probiotics today and tomorrow.
I kinda want to go back to bed and probably yeah. Ugh.
On youtube you know how they recommend videos for you? Well this video was one of them. Basically this guy edited himself into the opening for Sailor Moon. It's um....creepy. So I had to post it. Today's tip is there are people in this world that don't know when to keep their mouth shut. If you're wondering if that's you then it probably is. I'll even post the original so you can dare to compare.

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