Monday, February 7, 2011


Well I don't need to tell you that the Superbowl was last night. If any of you follow my tweets, you would have seen a lot of my Superbowl related tweets. Pretty much the only way I would have stayed focused on the game. I must say I'm happy the Packers one, mainly for Aaron Rogers. I mean this was the season that he could finally come out of Brett's shadow. I mean Brett played horribly. He still has that scandal to deal with. Now Aaron Rogers gets the Packers to the Superbowl and they win. Yeah think Packers fans are finally truly on Rogers side. Yet I kinda feel sorry for Brett (not by much). I mean I'm sure the Vikings fans blame him. They yeah blamed it on coaching, but I'm sure now that the season is over a lot more will be saying Brett cost us a lot of games. Then any Packers fans that still hadn't switched over to Rogers now have. I mean he has no legacy in the fans hearts. Yeah he has it on paper, but well what will he be remembered for, for a few years. The scandal, the injury, the flubs, and the whole retiring the coming back thing.
I must say Groupons blew it last night. I mean that's the problem when you have just a bunch of yes men. You'd think someone would speak up and say hey, let's not go with this. I bet people will think it's offensive. Or someone did and got fired. I mean it starts off like some sort of PSA then suddenly says, but I saved money at this restaurant that is based on the Tibetan culture here in New York. Just a stupid idea. Well good luck with that.
Christina Aguilera was the talk of Twitter and morning news today. Sadly not for her "fabulous" singing. She screwed up the National Anthem. Well flubbed is a better word. Forgot some lyrics. All I can say is, well what did you expect. I mean these singers nowadays are so bent on making the national anthem "their own". Because of all the ooooo's that she did, she was bound to forget something. If she'd just sing it, I bet she wouldn't have forgot the lyrics. Hopefully next year they get someone that will sing the national anthem not "make it their own".
I don't know why it surprises me anymore. Going to the gym and seeing that people just can't pick up after themselves. It was just horrible today. I don't know if this guy came in then realized the Superbowl was almost on so he just got up and left or what. He left his card on the preacher curl station. What is it with guys named Jason. They always seem to be the ones that do that type of stuff. Least in my experience. Maybe it has to do with the Power Rangers. The original red ranger was Jason and he lifted weights so I don't know if every Jason then said oh that's what I must do and just never learned gym etiquette. I mean this dude left out a bar with weights on it in the middle of the floor. He used a bench to get to the pull up bar and left a huge as foot print. He left weights on the Smith Machine. I just shook my head and said I'm not cleaning this up. I'm hear to workout, not babysit. If this grown ass man can not clean up after himself then he shouldn't be at a gym. I don't care if I'm in a rush or not. I always clean up after myself. I put weights back where they belong so other people can use it if they so need to. Don't just throw things in the middle of the floor and expect the "maid" to clean them up later.
I believe I posted this video before, but I'm probably wrong. The song is Thesis of a Cruel Angel. It was the opening for Neon Genesis Evangelion. I like this video because it honestly did a good job taking clips from the show. I mean the way this video goes, is pretty much how the show went. Very very confusing. You seemed to only get bits and pieces and still didn't get the whole thing by the end of the show. It was very well done. Hope you like it. Today's tip is when you surround yourself with yes men, you lose out on honest critics that help you pull off great things.

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