Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Weird day

It was a weird day yesterday. Just weird when I think about it. Mainly because it was so bright outside. It was Valentine's day. Got new uniforms that day too. It was honestly a weird day.
Yesterday it was just ugh with a customer. It was the guy with Autism again. I swear he is getting worse and worse. He's getting ruder and ruder. I know there is going to be a day when I'm waiting on someone he will just rudely interrupt. I can see it coming. It basically happened yesterday. He came in talked to my boss and got something. Then he comes in later on and he's waiting on someone and he just interrupts. I come and and start talking to him then the phone rings. I say one second and go answer the phone. By the time I get out again he's up there again being rude. He's getting the point when he's getting to need a lot of hand holding and we can't do it. Everyday he's coming in complaining about how he doesn't have money, but needs to buy stuff, then asks us random questions. I just want to sit him down and just say dude you come in every week to never buy anything. You ask us random questions then you go to work. You are wasting gas. Ugh one day.
Today I heard a story in the gym that proves why I hate being in the backroom with other people. The guy that's there from time to time comes in. Tells me and my workout partner about how he was in on Saturday. He was in the backroom and this guy with a bit of a belly comes back there and has his little clipboard. He then goes to the bench press and puts on 45 plates and 25 plates. The older guy leaves to get a drink of water and hears this gasping noise. Runs back to see the chubby guy with the bar at his neck and helps him get it off. He apparently use to be able to lift that. See the problem with the use to guys. They end up killing or hurting themselves.
Lastly I'm sick of Justin Bieber. I feel so sorry for Esperanza Spalding. Biebers fans are being complete assholes and what is he doing. NOTHING! If those were my fans I'd shame them. Say how dare you all harass Esperanza like you have. She won I didn't. Acting like this just proves I didn't deserve this or something to that effect. I mean his fans are crazed. He holds far too much power. I'm glad he didn't win. He needs a major reality check and so do his fans. Honestly I'd say hey until you guys calm down I'm not doing anything anymore. No tours, no talk shows, nothing until you all start learning how to behave. I mean death threats to girls seen with Bieber. Seriously? That's my two cents about that.
I was watching RuPaul's Drag race season 1 again and I watched the episode where Ongina got eliminated (sad face) and the song was Britney Spears Stronger. I use to kinda love this song. One day I'd love it the next I'd hate it. Today it's stuck in my head so I figured I'd post it. Today's tip is you shouldn't count your chickens before they hatch, but you can count the eggs.

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