Friday, July 30, 2010

Ever get that feeling

You know the one where people are giving bad advice and don't care that they are doing it. Well that's the feeling I got when I popped open the new issue of this fitness magazine. I don't know if they were basing their calculations on a 240 lbs muscle guy or what, but I do know that the advice they are giving isn't truly helpful. Ok maybe if you are working out outdoors and in the hot sun then maybe, but not people that are working out indoors in an A/C filled gym. What am I talking about you ask. Well I'm talking about taking in water. Well any type of fluid in general. They say that you should drink 15-20 fl oz 2-3 hours before exercise. Then your suppose to drink 8-10 oz 10-15 minutes before you exercises. So in a 3 hour period your taking in at least 23 oz of fluid at minimum. Then while you workout your suppose to take in 8-10 oz of fluid every 10-15 minutes during exercise, but if you are exercising longer then 90 minutes you have to drink 8-10 oz of a sports drink every 15-30 minutes. Then after you workout your suppose to take 20-24 oz of fluid for every 1 lb lost so you weight before you workout and after you workout. You then are suppose to take a protein with 2 hours of exercise. Ok let's go through this if I was to go through my normal workout of about 45 minutes taking the minimum of fluid they require. So I take in 15 oz 2 hours before my workout. Take my 8 oz of my pre-workout 15 minutes before exercise so I'm up to 23 oz of fluid. At every 15 minute interval I'm suppose to take in another 8 oz of fluid, so that means 24 oz of fluid by the time I'm done so that's 47 oz of fluid. Now let's say that somehow I lose 1 lb (how I could taking in that much fluid at one time is beyond me. Honestly you'd gain weight) so that's another 20 oz of fluid. I'm now up to 67 oz of fluid. Plus I do need to take my protein shake and I use about 12 oz of fluid, but I'll lower it to 8 again so that's 75 oz of fluid I've taken in in about 4 hours and 45 minutes. Now honestly your suppose to take in a protein no later then 30 minutes after exercise to keep your body anabolic so really it's more like in 3 and 15 minutes. That's about 4.6875 lbs. So clearly let's take out that 20 oz for the lb I clearly wouldn't have lost. Now it's 3.4375 lbs. Tell me someone wouldn't feel bloated taking in 3.4375 lbs of fluid in 3 hours and 15 minutes. Now clearly yours suppose to take in more fluid throughout the day. You'd have so much water weight after following this plan. Even with the minimum like I did. This just proves you clearly need to be smart and figure out what works for you. I take in about 12 oz of fluid (my pre-workout) 30 minutes before my workout and drink water throughout my workout. Let's say 12 oz and I think that's being quite generous. Plus another 12 oz for my protein shake after my workout. That's 36 oz in about an hour and 30 minutes. I don't feel bloated afterwards and not so stuck on taking in a certain amount. Like I said I probably don't even drink 12 oz during a workout probably more like 8. But hey I'm taking in about 2.25 lbs of fluid and just drinking about 4 oz every so often throughout the day. Keeps me from feeling bloated or having tons of water weight. I can imagine I'd feel so bloated after taking in 8 oz every 15 minutes in a 45 minute period. Probably feel sluggish. So I think that calculation they have to make sure you stay hydrated is 1. for someone that is a lot bigger then me 2. someone that clearly is exercising outside where they might sweat a lot and 3. someone who's on creatine which takes out a lot of water anyway. Plus I can imagine you'd be peeing all the time which obviously doesn't help if you workout in the morning before work or at night. Yeah good luck with people that follow that advice. Today's tip is sometimes experts give you sound advice. Most of the time it's advice to make you paranoid and/or buy a product.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Wow I'm in love

With Waximaze. It is the best carb to add to a pre-workout supplement ever. I mean the pump I got was amazing. I never got that from the pre-workout plus the other carbs I was adding. I mean my veins were popping out like nobodies business. I mean I swear I had the best arm workout I've ever had. For me I'm aiming for a pre-workout that gives me the best pump rather then energy. Energy is not my problem. I want the best pumps because that means the blood is flowing and tons of nutrients are getting to the muscle so the pumps last longer and when it fades the size gain is much more. So I'm going to add it to the Xpand Xtreme which has some, but I'm sure if I add some more the tingling and pumps will be amazing. I'm super excited to try that tomorrow. Plus when I got to the gym today it seems like someone actually cleaned back there and put stuff where it needed to go. Now if they would just have someone do that every week then that would be great. No weight hog there either. I'm thinking he's coming in later which is why I haven't seen him in awhile. In more annoying news I was at the store yesterday and I happen to look over and The Globe has their headline story as Obama really born in Africa and the papers proving it. Ok you know that something is a joke when it's in the globe. I'm so sure that the "papers proving it" is that fake birth certificate that the birthers were using. Then the woman behind me says "Obama born in Africa" I believe it. Oh that of course just pissed me off. I wanted to turn around and say are you seriously as dumb as you look. They've proved that he was born in the U.S. countless times. So much so a federal judge has put a block on any more complaints asking for proof since it's a waste of tax payers money. Then to make matters worse the lady behind me then starts on this bull shit about Muslims and the Koran. She's going on saying he put tons of Muslims in his cabinet and that they have some rule in the Koran that either you 1. marry Muslim 2. you kill others that don't believe 3. you convert. I can honestly say that's all bullshit. She was seriously just doing all the could to make Muslim and the Islam religion sound like a bunch of extremist which is bull. It's people that like that spread hate and discrimination. Today the video is Hoku's Perfect Day. I love this song because it's so upbeat. I mean playing that song while working out really gets you jazzed. Plus when you are having a great day it makes it seem even better. Wonder if she's still doing music. Today's tip is if you get your news from the tabloids at the checkout stand then you might want to avoid making any comments about anything.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I can't stop thinking period

I'm always thinking of something. I was thinking about what was motivating me to workout. I came up with quite a few answers. 1. is being more self confident 2. (as one magazine put it) Look better naked 3. to look the part of my job and 4. to look better in my later years. I will say number 4 was new to me, but it's true. Right now I'm laying this foundation so that I just have to maintain it in my later years. I mean in my line of work I see these guys come in and say they want to get as big as possible and they are in their mid to upper 30's or low 40's. Yeah you can still get big, but you won't be nearly as big as if you were in your 20's and right now you were trying to add onto that size or keep it up. I've seen guys get bigger at that age, but they were already in great shape to begin with. I just don't want to go over board and be one of those guys that is like I can lift exactly what I lifted when I was 20. A customer was telling me about this man that was between 50 and 60 years old. Skinny, but muscular and he was bench pressing 180 lbs. And by bench pressing I mean struggling and getting it up by pushing up with his hips. He then finishes the "set" and adds on 20 more pounds. Clearly someone is lying to himself. I don't think I'll get like that because I know at the age of 50 my testosterone is lower then when I was 20 and clearly I'm not going to have the same strength I once had. Plus I hopefully won't be like the seniors that come in here and they assume that whey protein is only for muscle building. Protein is for repair period. Doesn't matter what type it is. This old guy comes in and says he got this protein made of hemp, soy, and rice from this place in the east. Wanted to know if we had it. We didn't of course. I showed him what we had that was close to it. He said no not that. So I said the only other one we have is whey. So he is like no that's for muscle building don't want that. I was going to argue with him but he honestly annoyed me. He then goes on to say he stopped lifting when he turned 60 which was 18 years ago. Ok I didn't ask nor do I care. So he finally gets the protein and as I'm checking him out he insists on telling me about the health food store that he got the protein from. Like I was going to change our store around to look like that one. He later comes back to return it because his wife doesn't want it. Then I forgot what tangent he went off on because I was doing my best to show I didn't care what he was talking about. As I'm getting the money out to return to him he for some reason says I have 2 20's would that help. Why would it help when I'm giving you money? I give him the money ignoring his comment and he walks out. I don't even say have a good day. Yeah he lost that common courtesy when he stereotyped whey instead of asking about it and when he mind raped me with his useless information about a store I will never visit. Today's tip is worrying leads to increased stress and decreased immune system. Use this against your enemies.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Not a great start

So I didn't have the best start today. I got up and went to workout and seemed like I was making good progress. This week is the week I up all the weights I'm using. Seemed like I was doing great. So I come home and I drink my protein shake. Now I know I chugged it which was my problem. Then it all came up. Of course it couldn't have waited until I was at the sink or the toilet. No it happened on the way there. So I spent like 15 minutes cleaning that up. That's 15 minutes I could have used to shower and get dressed. So had to do a quick one and have most of my stuff ready to go. Then it seemed like the floor was way sticky so I had to clean that up. Then seemed like the place reeked so I had to open up some windows. Basically all the good feelings I had after the workout left me and everything I was worrying about returned. Lately I've just been getting this feeling that one of my co-workers actually hates me (or at least doesn't like me) and is only being nice to me because I spend so much time working with the boss. I just don't get this feeling like he's joking when he says some the jabs he does. Plus he seems to avoid any chance of talking to me. Now it could be just because he's stressed about his upcoming wedding that I'm getting this feeling. Maybe I'm over analyzing things because I've been dealing with two people that have been overly worried about things. Well I honestly need this feeling to leave. I may need to do a workout later tonight. I was going to take Wednesday off, but I think I really need a workout tomorrow morning. Maybe just a stomach workout. Plus I didn't have the best final sell yesterday. These two guys come in and the first thing out of their mouth is "Got any free samples". Why would you come into any store and do that? You just told the person that you aren't going to buy anything you just want free stuff. They aren't going to waste their time on you. Plus they were these type that you knew that they were just wasting time. Plus they were whispering crap about the store. I'm just not in a good place today. Whatever is causing this I wish it would just get out of my system. It reminds me too much of what it was like when I was depressed and I don't want to go down that road again. I know I probably posted this once before, but right now I just need something that puts a smile on my face. I love this song and haven't heard it in awhile. It's Velonica by Aqua Timez a.k.a. Bleach opening number 9. Enjoy or don't. Today's tip is going into a store and asking for free samples right off the bat is a good way to get bad service.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Grinding away

It's Monday which means I'm back at work. I will say that people are starting to annoy me. At the gym another weight was left out. Now this not exactly a small weight again. I mean the person doing it is flat out just being an ass. One dumbbell I can forgive.....ok not really. This was one of the EZ bars that is preset with a weight. This time it was 100 lbs. This is not something you can easily over look. Someone flat out just put it down and walked away. I just don't see how someone could be such an asshole that they can just leave out weights. Now on the machines I get that you sometimes leave the pin in. That's not nearly the same thing as leaving a dumbbell or an EZ bar like that out. The really annoying thing is the gym tells you they watch your every move, yet the asshole that's doing this is still getting away with it. Why not charge them an extra fee. Or send them an e-mail. Or send someone in to talk to him. For all I know that bar was left on Friday and someone just now picked it up. I'm not saying that you have to have someone posted back there 24/7, but at least do something about it. It's only a matter of time before someone doesn't see it rolling around on the floor and trips over it. Then they get sued because they wouldn't get some balls and fix the problem. Then the people in my apartment building are destroying the washing machines because they are so cheap that they can't use two instead of one. They flat out over stuff the washing machines so they can't run properly. There are now currently 2 washers down. 1 that apparently "doesn't wash clothes good" and one that doesn't even spin because someone broke it by putting too many clothes in there. Apparently me and my roommates concerns aren't nearly as important as those complaining about the kids running up and down the stairs. We specifically called up the leasing office and said that people are putting way too many clothes in the washers and overloading them and that they wash them at all hours of the night. She said oh we'll put up a sign that says no washing clothes after 10 pm and to please not over load the machines. That was two weeks ago and still there is no sign. Pretty soon all 3 of them will be broken and then the people at the leasing office will say oh we better fix that. Just really annoying. So since I made reference to it yesterday I figured I'd post the opening of "season 0" of Yu-Gi-Oh. After I posted the full version of the song I thought about it and said oh I should post the opening, but figured meh gives me something to post today. Plus as you'll notice there is a new character that isn't in the well known series of Yu-Gi-Oh. Eventually I might watch a few episodes. See what's going on. Today's tip is tough love is just as hard on the person giving it as the person receiving it. Unless they are getting paid to yell at you.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Oh boy

So I would have posted sooner if it wasn't for the fact that my adopted sister (meaning I took her on as my sister) was texting me earlier. She was freaking out over her boyfriend. Felt she wasn't supportive enough at 1:47 am. Yes seriously. She was freaking out because she was half asleep. Well you know what that happens when someone calls you that late. So I had to explain that to her. Then she kept going on and on about it. So I had to get her off that. Eventually I just blew up in a text. I hate doing the tough love, but I will do it when you aren't listening to reason. I told her to think about it logically. That's how a lot of guys think. Guys think very rationally and rarely with emotion. It's just how we are hard wired. So I kept trying to tell her think like a guy. Think about it logically. Why would he freak out if he called you that late. Why would he not call you when he can just because you said you didn't want him to be tired. So I flat out had to yell at her to get her to stop freaking out and go do something constructive. I think she thinks I'm mad at her though. Well I was kinda of mad because I was just repeating myself and she was just making excuse after excuse. Then I had other stuff to do which I'll blog about tomorrow. Yesterday seemed to be a decent day. The day finally cleared up. Came home and went shopping. Oh and finally got my gamecube hooked up. Oh did I have fun with that. I mean some major game play. Also set up a guys game night party. I plan on kicking some ass. So the video for today is the song Kawaita Sakebi. Now if you watched Yu-Gi-Oh the abridged series or the few clips I posted then this song should sound familiar. It's the opening of Yu-Gi-Oh season zero which is a different version of the Yu-Gi-Oh that was shown in the U.S. Seto Kaiba has green hair in that one. Anyway this is the song and the video is clips from the duel between Yugi and Bakura. Hope you like it. Today's tip is you can't be 100% all the time, but you can learn to take it all in stride. Or you can just harp over it and feel worse.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Work on Saturday

So I'm back to work on today Saturday. I have mixed feelings about it. I'm expecting at least two people to show up, but it's looking bad outside so I'm not sure if I'll see them. Yesterday was an interesting day. Started off pretty good. Pretty much no one at the gym. Even though that asshole left his 80 lbs dumbbell just laying on the floor for anyone to trip over. And the fact that it's getting messier and messier. When I got home I pretty much relaxed. Until my Yu Yu Hakusho Tournament's End dvd got stuck in the dvd player and it wouldn't spit it out. So I tried to unscrew the case to get to it. Yeah didn't work. So I'm freaking out and calling up my roommate. He says he'll check it out when he gets home. So after he got home he undid the correct screws to take off the case and fixed the problem. Yeah always helps having a helpful room mate. Other then that nothing really amazing happened. People were over stuffing the laundry machines as usual. There were kids running around per usual. The guy above me was stopping around per usual. Oh and in case your wondering why the crown is called Shilver it's because I swear that's what it sounds like when someone from Japan says silver. Least the one I listened to. Anyway today's video is Beauty and the Beast Jump 5 version. I like their version. Yeah that's pretty much all I have to add to that. Today's tip is when someone offers you spearmint gum make sure they mean the flavor and not just mint gum that gets you speared.

Friday, July 23, 2010

More thoughts

So while I was taking my protein after working out at the gym I started thinking. What is it with guys that buy supplements and girlfriends. What I mean is that they'll be a good customer that comes in every month, then all of a sudden they get a girlfriend and we are lucky to see them even once every six months. Now let's think about this. Clearly you got this girlfriend not only on personality, but also looks. Now that your not even buying a protein anymore how do you expect to repair the muscles after you workout. If your even still doing that. Staying fit and buff is a lifestyle choice. You have to make sure you hit the gym a certain number of times a week and make sure your getting the right supplements and nutrition to not only keep the mass you have, but also to gain. Now true guys have gotten buff by just eating right, but they usually go so much farther by taking a pre-workout that helps them last longer in the gym and push out a few more reps to get in that extra bit of growth. Then if you get a liquid protein in right away it makes sure that your body stays anabolic (muscle growing and fat burning) instead of catabolic (fat storing and muscle destroying). I see it all the time. A guy will come in say I'm looking for something to boost my workouts I give them a pre-workout get them to take a protein as well and in a month they look better. Plus not every body is alike. Some guys need a mass building protein to gain or even keep the muscle they have now. Others need just a regular protein. Your only cheating yourself changing your lifestyle for one person. What if you break up? Now you have to hit the gym twice as hard to get where you were. So why not just make sure you maintain while your going out with this girl? I guess I find it frustrating when I hear a guys goals and seem him fall short of them because a girl thinks he's spending too much money to make sure he reaches his goal. My boss told me about this one guy who use to spend like 200 bucks a month. He got engaged and she followed him in and as he was picking up stuff he wanted she's like "remember we are on a budget for the wedding". He left with I think just a protein and we never saw him again. I don't know if he's packed on a lot of weight or if he found a way to stay in decent shape, but I wouldn't be shocked if some day we see him again and he's put on quite a bit of weight and wants to slim down and get back to where he was. So on a different note. As I was waiting for squiby to work I got an e-mail from blogger mentioning the new status feature. So I of course had to try it. I found out some interesting things. 1. This blog is only slightly more popular then my old blog. 2. Most of my views are coming from  Luxembourg. That's right most of my views are from out of the US. I had 114 views from Luxembourg and 36 from the US. What does that say about me? Guess I'm more interesting as a foreigner then I am as someone domestic. Today's tip is if you constantly use the phrase "That's not what I meant" then clearly you need to work on your communication skills.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Ready for the weekend

Yeah it's that time of the week when I'm ready to kick back and relax. This week has been an interesting one since I came back from vacation Monday and worked that same day. Also had tons of ordering to do. Yeah don't think I'm going to go on vacation anytime soon and if I do I'm going to make sure I find a better replacement. Like the guy I had last winter. He was a good replacement. Plus today it's been raining. I get up to go workout and it's just pouring outside. So I figured wow this is the best time to workout because few people are going to want to go out in that. I was right. I got there and a lady was leaving. I was there by myself for about 30 minutes then a couple showed up, but again they weren't in my way. They did cardio while I was back in the weight room. My workout partner had to work this morning. I couldn't exactly spare today since I have 4 major workouts that require me to go to the gym and I don't plan on going on Saturday. I'm sure Saturday isn't as busy as I think it is, but I just don't want to run into the trainers. I'm not going to get up early enough to make it in the morning since it's Saturday and I usually sleep in just a bit. Plus going after work might be really busy. So that's why I just avoid it all together. Today I have to deal with trying to bring in this book case. It was suppose to be here yesterday, but the guy was lazy/thought he had more time. He had somewhere to be and therefore instead of getting it to the office early he put it off to the last minute. So now the office looks messy since we moved stuff to make sure we had room for the bookcase. I don't think we are going to get it today either since it's raining and I don't think it's suppose to let up. Today shall be an interesting day that's for sure. Today's tip is if you wear contacts make sure to put them in before you do an arm workout. Unless you like poking your eyes.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Yep back in the swing of things

Back at home and in the swing of working out and working. Probably because I never really lost that mentality. I mean I usually work 5 days a week. Use to be 6 days a week. Plus I workout pretty much 5 days a week. Which reminds me today was a fun day. Well first I heard about the weight hog. He's apparently gotten worse since I left. He apparently now checks himself out in the mirror. Now granted that could have just been because I wasn't there. I guess he doesn't show off when I'm there because I look as big or bigger then him. Or he could have seen something in the mirror that day and insist on looking at it over and over again. It could have also been a different guy. Then another guy came in. He looked like he either just got off work or was getting ready to go to work or just walked in off the street. He was wearing jeans. To work out in. Plus he seemed to be in a daze. He would stare at a machine then kinda snap out of it, work on the machine for a few reps, then get up and start the cycle over again. And no he didn't wipe off the machines he used. It's like he had no plan what so ever. Plus it was crowded today. Now granted I've never worked out on a Wednesday, so that might just be the Wednesday crowd. Or suddenly everyone thinks that mornings are the perfect time to workout. Doesn't matter to me really since none of them came to the back where I work. Well one did, but she was working her back and I was doing legs. Plus she came in as I was finishing up back there. Well that's duely noted. In other news what is the deal with people and re-gifting. I brought back a souvenir for my replacement and she said oh she already has one of those. Ok doesn't mean you have to tell me. Could simply say thank you. Then she gives it to one of her friends right in front of me. Now she asked if she could do that, but what was I going to say. Oh no you can't do that. Just would have figured she would have at least waited until I was out of sight. Rude much. Then Al Roker does it on the today show. Someone in the crowd gave him a vase of flowers and he gives it to someone right next to the person that gave him the flowers. I mean at least hold onto it until the camera isn't on you. If you can't accept it then say that off camera. So today I figured I'd post the song Aloha, E Komo Mai from Lilo & Stitch the movie/tv series. It's sung by Jump 5. I like this song a lot. It's just very catchy. Now it's hard to find a good version of this song on youtube that actually has moving pictures and is the whole song. So I had to settle for one that is from the Dutch version. It's why Stitch sounds off. Also the song sounds a bit different too. Anyway enjoy. Today's tip is if your going to regift something make sure to not do it in front of the person that gave you the gift or on national tv.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Never Fly Delta

So before I get to that I must say I did have a good vacation. The reason I didn't blog is because whenever I would get up I would kinda not turn on the comp and watch tv then when I did I realized I had to go somewhere soon. So I just figured I wouldn't write a blog that day and then the next day and so on. Only a few things on the whole tripped really bugged me. So if you don't want to read a long rant then well you came to the wrong blog because that's all I pretty much do. The first thing that bugged me was Delta. Delta has really blown in for me. I'm never flying that airline again. The first part of the trip was delayed. We were suppose to leave at 2:30 I believe and get there at like 3:30. Which it doesn't take an hour. Well we didn't even leave until 4ish. Now it was probably the weather that caused that, but the annoying part is that because of that I would have missed my connection flight if it hadn't have been delayed. That really annoys me. On the connection flight seemed like it was an ok flight, but I was pissed I was coming in late and didn't spend more time on my layover so I could have a good meal. Then on the way back Delta was just being stupid. They had two people at the check in station when they needed 3. There was a huge line of people for standby. They even over booked the flight. How the hell do you do that? So they asked 4 people to give up their seat. At first they just said for a $400 travel voucher. So I was like yeah that you have to use to get a flight out. Then they said you also get a 1st class seat on another flight. So yeah that was a decent deal. Then came time for us to board. Well there was an issue with a passenger wanting to sit by her friend so the person that was scanning our boarding passes was busy with that so that took forever. They finally got that done and we were able to leave. Lucky for delta we arrived early so I was feeling a little better about them, but I had such a tight connection that I couldn't go get something to eat. So I get there and the flight has been delayed 20 minutes. Yep that did it for me. I was pissed off. I could have eaten if the stupid flight board had showed that. Then when it came in there was a problem with a passenger. He needed a wheel chair. So they bring one....then they bring another one. Then they bring a straight back one. So I'm like great a fat bastard is on there. Why did he even get on if he needed that much help? Better yet why did Delta allow that or at least inform the crew that was going to be there at landing that they were going to need help. So they get him off finally and for some reason didn't wheel him out. They kept him right in front of the boarding door. They had 4 guys in red sweaters talking to him. The captain was there. Then they called him a taxi. So I'm looking at my cellphone and we should have started boarding. This goes on for 30 minutes. It's now 1:30 and the bastard is holding us up. Not just us, but the flight that is suppose to come in behind us. Then the fat bastard (yeah clearly don't like him) has the nerve to come out on his electric wheelchair and say smile everybody. Ooo I wanted to jump on him for that. Why the Delta staff couldn't just pull him out and talk to him instead of holding up our flight is beyond me. Delta is so bad at customer service. The need of the 1 outweighs everything. That includes leaving on time and arriving on time. In this case the need of the one is not that important. If it was the last flight in ok I get it, but when your holding up 2 flights that's when someone needs to say hey move out the way so we can board. I mean everyone was pissed off. The guy working the counter was clearly pissed. We are pissed because we aren't leaving on time because this fat bastard is holding us up for some reason. I probably wouldn't have been so pissed if we knew what the hell was going on. If they had said we can't board because there is an oxygen mask that this person needs and we have to find one then ok I'd be a little less pissed, but no nothing. I still don't know why they couldn't have just wheeled the fat bastard out as they were waiting for his taxi or whatever the hell the bastard wanted. So my advice is never fly delta unless you don't need to be wherever it is your flying right away or you don't want to be frustrated. Now before I was on the trip I contacted a friend who was so excited to see me and we set up a dinner date. We did this 2 weeks before I was suppose to come in. This was not something I sprung on them. Then I think the day before I was suppose to leave or something he e-mails me and is like oh I can't do our dinner date. I'm helping someone move all day and I don't want to drive all that way to have dinner with you. Well didn't say that last part so much, but it's basically the gist of it. So let me spell it out I'm not as important as they made me out to be. I come into town for a few days twice a year. I let you know two weeks ahead of time so you can keep that time open. And you help someone move instead. Yeah that pisses me off. Then he's all I'm sorry can you forgive me. And I said yeah sure I can in time. In time I will, but doesn't take away the sting of knowing I was so important and then getting shut down like that. Yeah I'm not talking to him for awhile. On top of that he won't be given first priority when I return in December. If he tries to set up a time then I'll say something like if I have time I'll see if I can squeeze you in. Ok that might be a little harsh, but yeah not going to get first priority. I mean to contrast I had a friend who said he was going to be somewhere and he wasn't, but that was because he had a family emergency. That I get. I understand that a family member takes priority over a friend and I told him I'll send him a prayer. I wasn't mad about that. I just felt bad I didn't know ahead of time, but the guy at least talked to me while I was in Texas over im and text. Now I will say that I was more upset about it yesterday with all the shit going on, but now that I got to workout this morning I'm not so mad, but just more hurt. I now feel better getting it all off my chest too. Still not talking to him for awhile though. He has to initiate contact first. Not me. So when I was home I finally got to watch RuPaul's Drag Race. I've been wanting to watch that, but Charter doesn't have Logo. Well on my package anyway. They were doing a marathon too so I get to watch quite a bit. There was one song that really stuck in my head. That was Jealous of My Boogie. Omg I love that song. Way too catchy. So I figured I'd post the music video. Let it get stuck in someone else's head for a change. Plus the beginning with the slapping is priceless. That was fun to watch on the show. Today's tip is if you manage to hold up a plane from boarding until 10 minutes after it's suppose to take off, don't stop and make chit chat. You might get punched.

Friday, July 16, 2010

In Texas

I'm back in Texas and it's nice. I was back yesterday, but I had tons of stuff to do. In the morning I had the dentist then I went to go visit my high school which has a program going on that I use to be apart of. One of my friends told me he'd be there and when I went to find him I couldn't. So I asked the program director and he told me my friend is in a different city because of a family emergency. I had absouletely no clue. After that I went to have dinner with my dad and see his new place. We went to a real mexican restaurant which you can't get up in Wisconsin. There is maybe one in the area I'm in and that's just because they are real Mexicans. Downside being that few of them speak english so if you don't speak spanish then there is a good chance it won't be correct. Anyway went to Braums which was nice because that's another thing we don't have up in Wisconsin. Plus it was a good day after the terrible day with Delta. We were delayed leaving the first place. We were suppose to leave at 2:45, but ended up leaving at 4ish. It was suppose to take 25 minutes to get to where we needed to. Nope took like 45. So we are late for our connection flight and if it hadn't been delayed then for sure I wouldn't be here. Ugh I can't stand delta. Should have gone with American Airlines. I better not get delayed again that's for sure. Well off to go do stuff.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

On Vacation

Yep come 1 today I'm on vacation. No work. No boss. Just me and fun in Texas. Got plans to visit a lot of things. Plus it's nice after the day I had yesterday. Started off real slow, then ended really well. Plus the replacement did a lot better. Least with the closing procedures. She also seemed to do better checking people out. The only annoying part is that she hurt her back so now she's not moving so fast. Plus when she checks people out she is so busy concentrating on not making a mistake that she won't talk tot he customers. It's kinda sad. Just hope that if any new customers come in they find what they needed and come back again. Guys that buy sports supplements tend to follow a specific pattern. They will say they are just looking if they are new to the store then when you show them what you know or what you take they open up. She doesn't really have that experience. Plus well she's a chick. So there is a chance that they won't give her the time of day, but now I'm starting to worry again. Guess I need to relax since I'll be gone in a few hours. She has my number if she has any questions. Well guess I shouldn't keep blogging. I have a meeting to go to pretty soon.So my friend sent me a link to this video about how to survive a cougar attack. It's funny. Today's tip is expect the unexpected. In other words pretend like nothing surprises you.
&<span class="blsp-spelling-error" id="SPELLING_ERROR_0">lt</span>;a <span class="blsp-spelling-error" id="SPELLING_ERROR_1">href</span>="<span class="blsp-spelling-error" id="SPELLING_ERROR_2">cp</span>^<span class="blsp-spelling-error" id="SPELLING_ERROR_3">cp</span>_en-us_lifestyle_<span class="blsp-spelling-error" id="SPELLING_ERROR_4">CustomPlayerExpanded</span>_Relationships&<span class="blsp-spelling-error" id="SPELLING_ERROR_5">fg</span>=<span class="blsp-spelling-error" id="SPELLING_ERROR_6">MSNlifestyles</span>_HF_Hub_<span class="blsp-spelling-error" id="SPELLING_ERROR_7">CustomPlayer</span>_Expanded" target="_new" title="How to Survive a Cougar Attack">Video: How to Survive a Cougar Attack&<span class="blsp-spelling-error" id="SPELLING_ERROR_8">lt</span>;/a>

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Almost there

Tomorrow I'm off to Texas again. I'm really excited. Still a nervous about the replacement. Not filling me with tons of confidence. Suddenly my friends are coming out of the wood works to try to make plans with me. Funny how when I gave them heads up way ahead of time and said if you want to hang out tell me now. Now I have no clue if I can hang out with them. Kinda jam packed with stuff kinda the second I get there. Just annoying because I do want to hang out with them, but again when I tried to let them know they just ignored it. It's my libra side showing itself again. This morning I did a total body workout since I won't be able to get to the gym tomorrow because of a meeting and the rest of the time I'll be back in Texas and my gym membership isn't old enough that I can give the gym there a heads up that I'm coming and just go in. So I won't be able to workout, but I do plan on doing some push ups, sit ups, and if the weight set is still there using them. I obviously can't do the same workouts I'd do if I was at the gym. I also got remeasured today. I'm kinda back on track. My body fat is down from last month. As a result my muscle measurements did go down a bit. I'm actually .2 lbs lighter, but goes to show that most of it was water weight. I'm sure if I was to gain that .2 lbs my muscles wouldn't be as big, but I'd be leaner. I'd have more dry muscle mass. I mean in most cases I just lost like a 4th of an inch or an 8th of an inch. Not like I lost a full inch or a half of an inch. Plus I think it really helps that I've been hitting the gym as religiously as I have been. The video for today is Destiny's Child's Lose My Breath. I think this video is very interesting because of the fact they kinda did a dance battle type thing which is a little different then what the song seems to be saying. Anyway good song, well done music video hope you like it. Today's tip is a journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step. Hopefully that step is into a vehicle.

Monday, July 12, 2010

There needs to be a moving check list

So like I said in the last entry I helped a friend move Saturday night and Sunday. Wow was this guy unorganized. You'd think someone with his red tape job would be a lot more organized. He told me and my roommate oh I don't have much stuff. The heaviest things will be the couch, mattress, box spring, and TV. Then I have a table and a bunch of boxes. Well we get there and of course that's not the case. He had night stands, pictures, a desk, a filing cabinet. Stuff that clearly he forgot about somehow. Now he rented a 10 ft Uhaul. He should have gotten a 14 ft one and we would have told him that if he was truly honest with us and himself. Plus he still had everything plugged in. Now this is not like we just stopped by and said we're ready. No this had been in the works for at least two weeks. Plus he had stuff in his storage unit he forgot to mention. So as we are moving stuff he's like oh I have a bike. Well don't you think you should have mentioned it before. Plus he had this huge ass heavy wall painting that he never hung up because it was so heavy and he's had it for 2 years. It was a gift. Well hate to tell you this, but clearly the person doesn't know if you have it or not. It was just a nightmare. Me and my roommate left fuming because he basically lied to us and didn't do a good job packing. So before we left we said we are coming back at 8. Load up your car so we can just leave. We get there Sunday at 8 and we can't get into the building. We call him and his phone is turned off. We check his car nope nothing. So he finally decided to turn on his phone and come check the lobby for us we had to spend an extra hour packing up his stuff. Plus throw out a desk for him. So we are now running an hour late. Half way there he calls up the landlady and leaves her a message saying we are an hour away. We get there and she's not there. Now to his credit it's not his fault. Turns out she was with the grandkids feeding ducks at the park 10 minutes away. So we happened to see his patio door is open so we just started unloading stuff. She comes by and asks if someone let us in. We said no the patio door was open. She didn't ask any other questions. Then during the whole unpacking thing my room mate was starting to get a low blood sugar and asked if he had anything to snack on. Nope didn't bring any food. Doesn't know where the vending machine is. So we finally get it all done and we are getting ready to go eat. All of a sudden he realizes he has to mail something so he needs envelopes. He combs through all the boxes can't find them then says oh well I don't have to mail it now. THEN WHY THEY HELL DID YOU LOOK FOR THE ENVELOPES! Plus I'm waiting in the hot car. Then he has to turn off the fan. So we finally leave to get food. That was fine then we go get gas. Now he realizes that he has to swept out the Uhaul otherwise there is a $25 fee. He of course doesn't bring a broom because the other place needs to be cleaned out. So he thinks maybe the gas station will have one he could use. They didn't of course so he just used that window cleaner. Then when he was trying to figure out where the Uhaul drop off was he puts it into his GPS and he gets two different locations so he had to go in to ask the attendant for a yellow pages. So we find this place and we have to drop it off and by this time me and my roommate are beat. We finally get home 2 hours and a half later and we are just exhausted. So this morning me and my friend were talking about artists that get really popular then fade into obscurity. One I happened to mention was the spice girls. Then I also brought up the fact that I think Posh Spice was added kinda at the last minute before they hit it big. I say that because if you listen to Wannabe you hear Mel B. name off the other girls and herself, but you don't hear her say anything about Victoria. She mentions M (Mel. C), G (Geri think that's how she spells it), E (Emma), and herself. Don't believe me? Well listen to the song yourself. That's kinda something I always suspected, but honestly I think the song confirms it. Today's tip is if you ask your friends to help you move and you haven't packed anything expect to owe them 2 children instead of one.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

And another day off for me

Yep yay. I'm off once again, but I have to help a friend move. Well more like I was pushed into it. I was volunteered to help. Always a good thing. I just got my haircut so when I fly back home my mom isn't pestering me. As for my replacement. Yeah I'm getting more and more worried about that. She's just over thinking everything and she's way too critical of herself. At least I got pizza for my troubles. 50% off on top of that. I got this coupon in the mail. We were the neighborhood of the week. Anyway it's awesome. It cost me $10.01 for a medium pizza and breadsticks. Anyway I'm done. Too tired and what not. Free time. Today's tip is getting a haircut is not the time to do your bobblehead impression.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Just a little late

I got side tracked with stuff. Like I said for the past few days I've been training my replacement and she is worrying me. After the first day I felt better, but after yesterday I was like maybe I shouldn't go on this vacation. She has come in a lot more and a lot longer then I figured so I haven't had any opportunity to open up my laptop and get on the internet. Anyway I had a good workout today. No weight hog and I got a compliment. This older guy that me and my workout partner met our first day there was in finally. We hadn't seen him in forever and we thought that maybe we scared him away or something. So he ended up talking to my workout partner and I went back to the weight room. I swear whoever works out last is a pig. They can not put anything back in the right spot. Anyway when I was doing drag curls I notice that the older guy is pointing at me. I saw it in the mirror. He was apparently telling my partner that I look really muscular. Ha funny. Now someone at the store said I looked bigger, but it was the autistic guy so I ignored it. Well I got another one today. It was from a personal trainer so I figured well it must be true. Even though I don't see it. I'm just a wreck about this replacement. I'm just worrying about it so much. She freaks out about every little thing. We had to write out step by step instructions. Just ugh... Today's tip is it's all fun and games until someone loses an eye, but if they lose the other eye then it's back to fun and games.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Busy day yet again

So yesterday I had to train my replacement like I said. Plus I was in a shockingly good mood. Usually on Senior day I get annoyed because well some seniors are quite rude. Plus some are kinda out of it so they take forever to make a choice. So not only did I have that plus I had a trainee. That usually puts me in a not so good mood because I could be doing other things. I don't know what did it. I think it had to do with the first customer I had. I go in with my (at the time) fake smile because I had just finished ranting about being irritable. Eventually it stopped being fake. It could also have been the fact that I was so busy. So the day ended well. Plus I was feeling a bit better about my trainee so I think that relaxed some of my nerves. As for today I had to workout on my own because my workout partner said he was feeling kinda run down. So that meant I had to go by myself. Plus I woke up 5 minutes late. That may not sound like a big deal, but when I'm as time constrained as I am 5 minutes is a lot. I am suppose to be at the gym at 6:30 at the latest. Honestly that's even pushing it. It takes me about 7 minutes to get to the gym. Takes about 7 minutes to take all my pre-workout stuff and get dressed and ready. So that's 14 minutes right there. So in theory I should have even gotten there at 6:19, but of course I dragged for a bit trying to decide if I did want to go, plus I had trouble leaving the apartment parking lot because of all the cars so by the time I was on the road and moving it was 6:20. When I get to the gym it's like 6:30 plus I had to grab all my stuff out of my gym bag and start on my warm up. I'm really lagging. At the gym I notice the weight hog is there again. He's on the treadmill though. So I figured oh he's just going to hog that. Plus he started to go hard as I finished my warm up and moved to the back. So I'm back there and I hear someone talking really loudly and tons of beeping. Then eventually weight hog moves to the back with me and he's brought a friend this time. Now it seems weight hog has learned his lesson and is finally sticking to one exercise at a time. His friend not so much. His friend was worse. His friend takes his 35 lb dumbbells and does a bench press then moves to the front pulley machine then moves tot he leg press and repeats. Again I was very tempted to use the leg press just to piss him off, but again not going to ruin my workout because he's an ass. Hopefully weight hog saw how annoying that is and thought wow if I was doing legs or back today I would have to deal with this guy. Maybe he'll talk to his friend, maybe not. All I know is the mornings are starting to look really crowded. Not what I signed up for.Today's tip is when someone says don't try this at home, what they actually mean is don't try this at home and sue me because you were dumb enough to do this too.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Got some issues

Lately I have been kinda irritable. I'm trying to figure out what is the cause. On Sunday I blamed on the fact that my roommate was ranting and raving and it kinda transferred to me. Monday I didn't really seem my happy go lucky self. Yesterday was the same and I just got really pissed off at a customer (in my head). Now granted that could have been because this person is a customer that really rubs me the wrong way. Plus I had a guy right before him that didn't put me in a great mood plus a phone call that did the same. The guy that came in first is one that always comes in, spends 10-30 minutes at the clearance section (never getting anything from there), then will ask me some questions about products (which he will never get) then he grabs the item he always gets and checks out. This time was no different other then the fact that he now has a full card which he can use to get 20% off a purchase. He then wanted to use said card on an item already on clearance. Why he thought he could do that was beyond me. While I was checking him out I got a phone call from a customer who isn't a customer really. Just wants to use one of our free services. Then when I asked him his name he immediately goes into spelling it. I'm use to people saying the name then spelling it so it shocked me and I asked him to repeat it. Plus he was mumbling then I hear a clearly frustrated tone on the other end as he's saying his name and giving me his phone number. So while this is going on another customer I'm not too fond of comes in on his cell phone (like always) and is chatting away. I finish the clearance guy and go to help him. He says he has this sore throat so what do I recommend. I recommend a product he then wants to read every possible literature about it. He then asks for two more things then sees we don't have a sinus product he likes so he tries something new and says well I'll give this shit a try. Ok how do you not think it's rude to call a product that someone is selling shit. I don't go to his job and say his services and/or products are shit. Trust me I really want to. As I'm checking him out he asks me if I gave him his discount and how much was it. To review for those of you that didn't read my post about this guy he threw a hissy fit when I gave him his discount which was programmed into the computer when the owner (who didn't tell me this) gives him a bigger discount. So back to the somewhat present I'm super annoyed at this point. He's come in on his phone (rude, finish your phone call then come in), he's called another product shit (like he does every time again rude), and now he's pestering me about his discount. So I'm thinking my annoyance is written all over my face because he seemed to change his tone a bit. He got his receipt and product and tried to make a joke or get me to smile because he smiled. He doesn't do that. After that he left then came back in because he forgot his information on the product. I gave it to him and he said thanks. Again something he never does. So like I said I don't know if it's me that's more irritable or if it's just because I had a string of customers that do rude and annoying things. It could be because of the testosterone booster I'm taking. It could also be do to the fact that I'm going on vacation soon and the person replacing me is coming in today and she doesn't know much about computers (she's far older then me), doesn't know about our sports supplements, and she's bringing in the former owner of the store. Well I should say the former owner followed her. So for 3 and a half days if someone comes in looking for protein and pre-workouts she'll be clueless (which is why we hired someone to cover that angle, but he will only be in 2 of those 3 and a half days and only for about 2-3 hours). That's the problem with me. I hold things in so much so that I don't even know what's bugging me. I won't lie and say I'm in touch with my emotions because I'm really not. I know what makes me happy, angry, and sad, but when it comes to things that make me nervous or any other type of emotion I'm clueless. It's why I blog. To keep myself kinda aware of what's going on with me. The last thing I need is to have another depression episode and end up in the hospital and be on anti-depressants for the rest of my life. Ugh not something I want to repeat. 6 months on those things was long enough. They made me sleepy all the time, felt like I was in a permanent fog, but they did help get me out of where I was. So right now I'm chalking my irritability up to nerves about going on vacation and my replacement.Team Four Star has finally come out with episode 16 of DBZ abridged. Still a great series. Now this one isn't as funny as some of the other episodes, but of course has it's moments. One of my favorite lines is "Why did I explode?". If you liked the other episodes I posted then you'll probably like this one too. I suggest going to their website to watch all the episodes and the movie they did. Today's tip is getting to the root of a problem is the best way to solve a problem. Blaming other people is the fun way to solve a problem.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

When did this happen

Apparently my blog is slightly popular now. At least enough that I'm getting followers and comments. I'm just shocked because I've been up for going on 7 months now and just now getting people to read. It's just shocking. Anyway enough of that. I don't know what is up with people at the gym I go to. Well I should say people that workout later in the day do this. I go to the weight room and there are the weight clips thrown down on the floor. Weights are not re racked. I mean some guys (and I'm sure it's the guys doing it) think they are so important that they can't re rack the weights. There are surveillance cameras everywhere in that gym. It's not like the manager or owner can't go through the tapes and see who's not re racking or cleaning up after they finish the equipment. So that wasn't a good start to the day. I will say though I did have a good workout despite that problem with re racking and weights out of order. Tomorrow is my day off, but I might do a small stomach workout. Just a few crunches and what not. Back to today I was watching Today and they were talking about Kyron's (that 7 year old Oregon kid that went missing) step mom. They had a criminal profiler talking. So they asked how would she profile the step mom and she's like well clearly since she was a bodybuilder and looked like she did steroids she's narcissistic. Ok I saw the picture of her 25 years ago. Yeah she look muscular, but not overly muscular where it was obvious she was doing steroids. She very well might have since it ws 25 years ago, but again doesn't look like it. Secondly just because someone is a bodybuilder doesn't mean they are narcissistic. I happen to know a bodybuilder (granted he is a natural bodybuilder) and he's a really good guy. Very loyal guy. Very family oriented as well. Now the guys that shoot up steroids to the point that they clearly doing things, then yeah maybe I could see how you'd say they are narcissistic. Those are the guys that leave their weights everywhere and never clean up after themselves, but don't say that just because someone is a bodybuiler means they are narcassistic and don't assume that every female bodybuilder out there is on steroids. There are those who get very fit naturally and aren't a step away from being called a guy. Ok this will be the last Yu-Gi-Oh abridged I post. Mainly because I think this is the last really good one plus I'm all caught up so I have nothing new to post with that one. Anyway this episode is where our heroes are heading towards the battle city finals when a ninja obessed movie star wants to marry Mai. Another good set of punch lines in this one. So enjoy. Today's tip is if you start a sentence with "If I was a mean person..." then you are one.

Monday, July 5, 2010

My 4th was so so

Simple as that. It was a so so 4th of July. It started off decent enough. I got up early to get to the store and there was practically no one there. Ok good day. Then things started changing when my room mate went to go get his haircut and talk to his family. Well short version he heard news that pissed him off. Guess who had to hear about it. That would be me. So it goes on for a bit, but I managed to get him off of it by saying I need to workout. He decided to workout with me. Now I was working the abs and as you can imagine he did the same. Then he decided to experiment. So while I'm working out and resting between eat set he's asking me for help and advice on doing an exercise so it took me far longer then it should have. The weird thing is he's usually not needy when it comes to working out. Then again that is why I have a different workout buddy normally. Anyway so he finishes and after I've finished and am about to do my protein shake he starts ranting again. I had to stop him so I could mix up my protein shake in a blender. Then I was going to call my mom, but I had to wait so he could rant some more. So by now some of his anger has rubbed off on me. I wasn't angry at my mom, but she brought something up that pissed me off. I told my "friends" on facebook when I'd be in town and that if they want to hang out just let me know ahead of time. Left it up for 2 and a half days and nothing. Plus I had specifically texted my former room mate (who made it a point to tell me that we should hang out when I get back there) and he didn't text me back. Now I found out the texts I sent that day didn't seem to get out so I texted him asking if he got it. Still haven't heard from him. So now I'm just flat out pissed. So I try to get over it by watching some more Yu-Gi-Oh abridged. Nope couldn't do that because my room mate was STILL RANTING! So I put on my headphones to give a signal of stop talking to me. Nope didn't work. So by the time I go to bed I'm not angry, but not happy either. At least my toe nails were looking good since again I did anything to give off the impression that I'm busy and don't want to hear anymore of this rant that's making me pissed. Well I get up and I'm feeling better and go to workout. Only to find that the weight hog is there. This time he was in my way because he took the weights I needed. Plus he was doing that whole do one set of one thing then go to another machine and hog that one then go back to the weights. If he was the only one back there fine do it all you want, but when you see someone else in there have some courtesy and either do your whole set then put the weight up or ask hey do you need to use this weight. Plus he was again stationed right in front of the dumbbell rack. If I was a mean person I'd block him from using the machine he wanted to use. Then to make matters worse (least for me) he was doing those wrong curls. You know the kind where you use the momentum and a jerky motion. I wanted to yell over and say your doing it wrong. If you can't do it with correct form at that weight then go down in weight. Of course he wouldn't have listened. Clearly a gym novice and/or and asshole. So right now I've calmed down, but still really just in the mood to be left alone.So yesterday like I said I was pissed most of the day because of my room mate and my "friends" and the only thing that kept me from wanting to strangle all of them is Yu-Gi-Oh abridged series. So I figured I'd post the episode that made me laugh the hardest. In this episode we meet Duke Devilin who is the inventor of dungeon dice monsters. That in itself is somewhat of a funny thing. If you need a good laugh I suggest you watch this episode. In other news I have a new blog follower. Hello new follower. Glad you now obey me. Today's tip is fear, unlike pain, is a learned response, and is more fun to use on people since it doesn't leave any physical scars.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Feeling better

Yeah yesterday morning I was kinda tired. I'm good now. After work my room mate felt like going for pizza so we went to a local pizza joint. Glad we did. For sure was better then trying to cook something. It also helped that I decided to check out the Yu-Gi-Oh abridged series. I watched the first episode and didn't think it was all that great, but I continued to watch it because I figured well it's better then just sitting there waiting for the network that my computer was connected to, to let me on the internet. I will say it for sure grew on me. It made me laugh a lot. The funny thing is that the Yu-Gi-Oh abridged series was made before the DBZ abridged. Plus it got posted a lot quicker then DBZ, but granted there are less people and no segways. Anyway I also found this game app. Zombie infection. Or something like that. It was fun. So today I'm posting an episode of Yu-Gi-Oh abridged series (shocker). This episode is number 15. It's right after yugi lost to kaiba. I love it because of the little spat between Mai and Tea. Plus there is the battle with Peagus and Kaiba. That's a funny exchange too. So enjoy. Today's tip is holding a fire cracker with the name pipsqueak as it goes off is a good way to lose a finger.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

I had fun

Last night I got to shoot off fireworks. It was fun of course. The only annoying thing was that I felt very drained. At about noon time yesterday the energy I had earlier in the day just seemed to vanish. Plus the fact that I wasn't too hungry throughout the day because of the pre-workout I take. It always kills my appetite especially on Fridays. Meh it happens. We shot off some fun fireworks and I got some pretty good pictures. I was shocked that I got the ones I did. As for today I'm just working. No real big plans. That's pretty much all the big things for today. So guess I'm going to end this blog early.The video for today will be I'll Make a Man Out of You. Now before you get all excited because you get to see Disney it's not that one. This is one made by team four star. If you love DBZ abridged and/or parodies of songs from your childhood then you'll love this. Today's tip is with cops out in full force this weekend you might want to get those brake and/or headlights fixed.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Wow what a day

I did a lot this morning. Worked out this morning then had tons of things to do today since I'm the only one here and there were orders that needed to be placed. Yesterday was nice and relaxing. Just laid there and cleaned up a little. Played on the internet too. My days off aren't too exciting because of the fact that when I'm working I'm pretty much doing something constantly. Good to just not do something. I did apparently miss an eventful day at work. Always seems to happen on my days off. Honestly would have preferred to take today off then yesterday. I can honestly say I really like Test Drive. I wish I tried it instead of Novedex XT. This is the 2nd day I've been on it and seems like my energy went through the roof. Just feel good. Plus I had an amazing nights sleep. Seemed like I didn't wake up as much or if I did I went right back to sleep. Seemed like I had a deeper sleep. So that meant I didn't have too much of a problem waking up at 6 to go work out. Plus the dumbbell hog wasn't there. I'm usually the only one using free weights that early. Oh just a word of advice. If you think your a bicep curling master then try drag curls. You'll find out how wrong you are. It's basically a concentration curl with no way of cheating. It's one you won't see guys doing a lot because there is no way to cheat so they can't curl as much so they don't want to do it. There is no momentum help and no way your delts can do some of the work if you do it correctly. It's all bicep. So tomorrow I'm going to take a break then on Sunday do that ab workout. Always good to have a plan in order. I thought today I'd post something that's educational as well as funny. The other day on the radio they had an ad for some fair or farm thing and mentioned fainting goats. My boss said he'd never heard of such a thing and I told him that they are goats that faint when startled. So I youtubed it and this is what I found. Like I said funny and educational. Today's tip is never underestimate the power of a dictionary. It's always fun to insult people with words they've never heard of.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Day off

Yep today is my day off. Heance why I didn't post earlier. On my day off it's just that. Until I feel like I want to post. Anyway I did my normal stuff today. Did a back workout this morning. Had a new guy show up. He didn't bother me and I didn't bother him. After we left I was talking to my workout partner about how I think he really isn't someone that spends a lot of time at the gym. Yes he was lifting a lot of weights, but doesn't mean he was doing it correctly. Anyway he had this sheet of paper that I assume he wrote all the exercises on. Plus he took two sets of dumbbells to use at a time. Now I was back there with him and I'm just thinking seriously? What if I needed to use one of those. Well I didn't because the only time I use dumbbells is for the shoulder shrugs. So my partner starts telling me some of the horror stories he has. I mean he was telling me about a guy that was basically gym blocking him. Then there was another story about a set of guys that just kept talking and hogging the equipment. He then also told me about a friend of his that was working out at the YMCA and there were these two guys that were on the treadmills. Now apparently there are only 3 and they were taking up two. They weren't working out they were just talking. That's it. So his friend asked them to either use the machine or leave. Now I know this friend and he's a very mellow guy. So I can imagine him saying that really nicely. Well one guy says "well aren't we uppity". Now that pissed him off and I can imagine. The friend he's talking about like I said is mellow, but he looks like a biker. He has all these tattoos and piercings and has this long ass beard. So when he gets pissed it can looks scary. I guess since I've never seen it myself. Like I said he's a mellow guy and I have no reason to piss him off. On top of that he's not the one hogging two machines so that he can talk. He's in the gym doing what we all in there are suppose to be doing working out. Just amazes me how people do that. Well I should say mostly guys. I mean what is the point of being an ass like that. Why block everyone from having a good workout. Not like we all didn't begin somewhere. Just so annoying. Guess it's human nature to want things to be fair even though they aren't. So I was watching DBZ abridged (again) and I just couldn't help, but remember the opening for DBZ they did in english. I loved how it was a rap. I mean come on. How was it not funny. Anyway enjoy.