Monday, February 28, 2011

Feeling better

I woke up and didn't feel like my head was going to split or that I was on my deathbed. How much did I love that. I did go start working out today. Well yesterday I did do my normal ab workout. Granted yesterday I didn't push as hard as I normally do. Today I didn't feel 100% strength wise, but I think by working out all this week I'm going to get back to myself. I really do thinking working out is helping me feel better. I'm hoping tomorrow when I do my chest workout I can at least keep what I did last week.
So I was watching GMA and was watching the Charlie Sheen interview. Holy crap that man is not right in the head. I mean something is seriously not right with that man. I mean you listen to him and he doesn't sound like someone recovering from a drug addicting. I mean he isn't remorseful. He makes it sound like he's god's gift to humanity. My roommate was shocked by the interview. He expected him to act a little like the Charlie on Two and a Half Men, but that didn't happen. He rambled on and on. It was so horrible to watch. Then they apparently gave him a drug test which he passed. Now see I still don't think he's sober for the simple fact that he was given a heads up about it. I mean the guy that did the drug test said that Charlie came in early. Well that just means he had a heads up about it and didn't do drugs for at least 72 hours. Ugh just scary. Plus he did an interview on the Today show. The man is seriously not right.
So I was working on my roommate's speakers and he wanted me to play a video to test the speakers. So what did I choose? Well this video. It's the Japanese version of Space Channel 5. I know I posted it...or maybe I didn't. Anyway I'm posting it again. I like it.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

It better stay in retirement

Last night my illness acting up yet again. I spike a bit of a fever. Took two aspirin. Yeah shouldn't have done that. Caffeine doesn't keep me awake, but aspirin sure does make me not fall asleep for 3 hours. Had some weird ass dreams too. Oh and I knew I had a fever because I had an "Oh God!" moment. You know the movie with George Burns. Go look it up. Anyway I had that with the show Two of a Kind. Well not so much the show, but the opening of the show. It's hard to explain. Like I said hard to explain.
Oh and I established that I am never going to the Target in this town again. I swear I run into someone that shops the store every time I shop there. It's like they all stay there. And that's the only spot too. I mean even when I go grocery shopping I'm not guaranteed to see someone there every time I go. Ugh no fun.
Just an FYI. Squiby is down....again. Today's video is the opening for Two of a Kind since apparently I can't stop thinking about it. Today's tip is Silly rabbit, trix are for kids. Not like kids are difficult to deal with on a sugar rush.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Feeling better...kinda

I swear I have the Brett Favre of illnesses. Yesterday I'd feel terrible. Then I'd feel better. Then worse. Then better. Today I'm kinda so so. I don't want to push myself too much today. Still feeling kinda sick.
Ugh and the people in my building are so good at destroying stuff. They killed the dryers. Great. So in order to laundry I have to leave early tomorrow and find a laundramat. Ugh and if I feel like this I won't want to go anywhere. I mean I just could nap right now. Hoping this Asprin kicks in soon so I can go visit my co-worker. Ugh screw it so going for another nap or something.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Hate being sick

Last night I just ached all over. My head was killing me and I was so cold. Around 5ish I had to run to the toilet because I was afraid I was going to vomit. So I didn't get to workout today. My stomach is doing a little better. Not by much. It just feels a bit unsettled. I'll have to make sure I take a few extra probiotics today and tomorrow.
I kinda want to go back to bed and probably yeah. Ugh.
On youtube you know how they recommend videos for you? Well this video was one of them. Basically this guy edited himself into the opening for Sailor Moon. It's um....creepy. So I had to post it. Today's tip is there are people in this world that don't know when to keep their mouth shut. If you're wondering if that's you then it probably is. I'll even post the original so you can dare to compare.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

I'm digging to China

I swear that's what Scott Walker is doing. He refuses to stop digging that hole. I mean the prank call that he got. He said that he said nothing in there that he's not said in public. I'm sorry you never mentioned that you are following a plan of a billionaire. You never mentioned you wanted to hit democrats with a bat. You never mentioned that you were thinking of planting trouble making protesters. You never mentioned that you wanted to make it so that you have control over what power companies can be in the state and which can't. You never mentioned that you were going to pretend to give into the demands of the democrats and then force a vote. You never mentioned that you are one of 5 Governors trying to destroy the union. Oh my.
On top of that he is sending state troopers to the 14 democrat senator's homes to bring them back to the capitol. I'm sorry rewind. Didn't they say they are in Illinois? So what is the point of sending troopers to the homes? Oh I know to intimidate the families so much so that they call up their families and say come home so people will stop following me. I'm very tempted to call up Scott Walker (there is an ad out that has a number to call up) and say I want Scott Walker to stop being such a stuck up idiot and compromise with the people. You basically are getting everything you want except for one line about bargaining rights. I mean other republicans are just giving up the fight. Well good luck.
I was watching Good Morning America and they were talking to a student that was hit by his coach and has now filed criminal charges. They were together for the first time. It was just as awkward as it sounds. I mean if you could see it you'd see that he bluntly bumps the player then when he sees the player has a bloody nose he says "got a bloody nose? Good". Or something to that affect. And I mean the coach clearly didn't learn his lesson. He would talk out of both sides of his mouth at the same time. He would say well the athletic director did punish me. She brought me into the office, showed me the tapes, then we talked about where I could improve. That's not a punishment. I mean he's lucky the player didn't slug him. Oh the worst part was that he tried to pretend like the player was his favorite. Like they got really close over the time they were together. I'm sorry I don't check my friends then kick them telling them to get up then when I see they have a bloody nose say good. It would be different if he did it, then came over to check on him, saw he had a bloody nose and said oh I'm so sorry here let me help you up. Yeah he deserves to be charged criminally.
So how many of you have a "Long, Stabby Thing"? Well if your curious about what I'm talking about watch this youtube video of a conversation that went on in Australia. Oh and when you think it's over it gets much much better. Watch the whole thing. You will not be disappointed. Today's tip is when in a hole stop digging. Or as Scott Walker likes to do, keep going until you hit China.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Fun little shock

Yesterday I was a bit sore mid day and I knew I was going to be really sore this morning. Yet when I woke up the only pain I had was a weird headache. Took my pre-workout and it left pretty soon.
Speaking of which I worked out at the gym today which I usually don't do. Found out that Wednesday is the other day the pompous trainer trains his client. I just can't stand him. I mean I swear his face keeps getting rounder and rounder which means 1 of 2 things. 1 he's doing steroids. Honestly wouldn't put it past him. He's very vain and obsessed with what he could do. Plus he wants to put on 20 lbs by June, but I bet it's number 2 which is he's getting fat. I mean the man refuses to take off his sweat shirt. No matter how warm it is. Plus he doesn't lead a very active life as odd as it sounds. He has no other job besides training. His girlfriend pays for everything and he lives with her. He doesn't actually workout with his clients. He watches them and times them. Doesn't even do a quick show of what they are doing. Ugh can't stand that guy.
No rude customers yesterday for once. I do apparently keep shocking my boss at how well I do at my job. I mean even on the worst days I raise the sales up pretty high. So he's very happy. Wants me to keep up the good work and I plan on doing that. I like my job and I plan on keeping it. Don't feel like going home to Texas to stay anymore.
Last night I watched the new episode of RuPaul's drag race. It was the snatch game episode. If you saw it last season then you know how funny it can be. This season it was good. Still think last season's was better, but hey that's my opinion. Today's tip is we all know the pot calls the kettle black. It's our job to call the pot out for being a racist.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Come on melting

Yeah winter is back again and ugh it's so so so cold. I keep telling myself get through this week and next week will be warmer. Can not stand all this snow after we basically got rid of it. One day. One day it will be gone.
Ugh people are becoming so rude when they shop at the store. To the point that I want to call them out on it. There was a woman that came in and was asking about a product. Then another came in and well she wasn't exactly well....she was kinda clueless. Anyway she wanted to know if we had a product and we did just not from the company she wanted. And as I'm trying to talk to her the first woman says oh go to Walgreens and get it from there. I mean I just stood there mouth a gape. I mean what the hell. You are in my store and you are telling someone to go somewhere else. Well I stepped in and said we did have the product she wanted. Like I said I want to just be as rude as they are sometimes.
Got to workout today. The gym wasn't too busy. So I did my arms today instead of my legs like I was planning on. Had a great arm workout. I added a new exercise and upped the weights on pretty much everything. Can't wait for my leg workout. Plus this time I used a pre-workout that I know works. Sometimes a good pre-workout is truly the difference between a good workout, a great workout, a bad workout, and a workout that was so bad you should have stayed in bed. Last week I almost had one of those workouts. The last one. I mean I was doing great then all of a sudden I felt sick to my stomach, tired. I kept pushing (which most people never do) to finish. My arm workout last week was so bleh. It was good, just not the best like most of them.
I'm sure you've waited long enough for it to happen. The new episode of Sailor Moon Abridged is out. It's a pretty good episode. She finally gets her new locket. Yay for the opening too. Today's tip is pride and curiosity are two things all humans have in stride. Sometimes in a dangerous mix.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Not even July

Not even close to it and people are already fighting about what to do when I get to Texas. I mean I guess that's a great thing that my friends want to spend that much time with me, but kinda annoying since my parents haven't even set anything up. I mean wow. Busy week for me when I go back home.
This week is going to be crazy. For one I'm a day late on my workout because of all the snow from yesterday and this morning. So I have to workout Tuesday-Friday with no break which I hate doing. And if it's bad snow again I may have a break and workout on Saturday which would annoy me to no end since that is another day off. Fun times.
Yesterday I also found out that my co-workers wife thought that I should enter a Bodybuilding competition. She said her husband would take me under his wing. Now this was before the He say, She say mess. The funny thing is that he never really pushed it on me which is great. I'd never do it anyway. Too much hard work. And shaving. I hate shaving my beard let alone my entire body. Plus I'm sure he doesn't want to take me under his wing and his wife. From what I hear he gets very frustrated with pupils. Actually he can easily get ticked off at you if you say the wrong thing to him. So hopefully it never ever comes up. Ugh I can see how that conversation would go and no matter what I'd be the bad guy.
Today's tip is trust is very counter intuitive. Takes a lot of time and material to build up, but can snap like the driest twig.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

More snow

Yep snow snow snow. That's all that's suppose to happen today. What a great day. Well clearly we are still in winter. Can't wait for the day we can forget this horrible winter.
Speaking of people trying to forget on the way the store I saw two people jogging in the snow. I mean what was the purpose of doing that? Today is the one day when you can blame the weather for not jogging.
I swear some customers honestly love being rude. A woman and her husband comes in and they ask if we had a product with two enzymes. Found the product. She then asks if we have a smaller size. No we didn't. She then asks if we had a phone book. She asks for it so she could call up a place in town to see if they had a smaller size. I mean are you serious. You are such an asshole that you'll go into a store then asks to call up another store to see if they have the same product. Just flat out rude.
Least one customer has been found out. One of those people that tried to get me in trouble has been found out. Turns out she tipped her hand too much to my boss. Love when that happens. Serves her right.
As some of you may not know the Power Rangers has been picked up by Nickelodeon. They have started with the Samurai season. This is the opening which is a bit of a throw back to the very first Power Rangers. It also has some similarities to the Samurai Sentai Opening. So I figured I'd post both so you can see. Plus the show is more like the Super Sentai series then the past few power rangers have been. Today's tip is don't forget to talk to yourself from time to time. It freaks people out. Got to love that.

Saturday, February 19, 2011


Yep it's Saturday again. I had a very boring Friday. Having Friday off is just no fun. Saturday is much better. Just because it's a natural day off for most people. Probably didn't help that my friend that said he was going to im me didn't. Least I found something to do.
Today is probably not going to be too busy. Bet people are down in Madison protesting or avoiding going out because it's suppose to snow tonight. I'll know pretty soon that's for sure.
Today's tip is sometimes you don't realize how much you love doing something until you take a break from it.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Going to get worse before it gets better

It's a great day to live in Wisconsin. I mean this bill that the Governor is trying to pass has really split the state. I mean the protesters keep growing and growing and growing. And the stupid thing about him is that he's trying to demonize the 14 democrats. I mean who is truly showing the will fo the people? The law makers that tried to push it through the congress in 5 days without even informing the public? Or the people that refuse to even let it come to a vote until it gets revised like all the protesters want? If it doesn't get taken up by the senate today the assembly might take it up. I would think that based on what's going on in the senate, that they'd say hey we aren't touching this with a 10 foot pole. The sad thing is I don't think that will happen and here is why. The leaders of the senate and house are brothers. No joke. And guess who's the top state trooper. Their dad. Hmm funny how that worked out.
The really annoying thing is that some people aren't seeing the issue that everyone is fighting for in the capitol. The guy that works at the shop next door comes in and asked if we had any teachers come in. Well we got talking and he's like they need to fire all those teachers. I said why? Well they are keeping kids out of school. I mean when I was in the army I couldn't just quit if I didn't like my pay. So I said well if they fire all the teachers wouldn't that cause a bigger problem. He says well they need to be punished. Now I didn't get into an argument with him because he's one of those people that thinks everything he says or does is right. Even when you catch him in a double standard. Such as the fact that he was in the army and he gets pension and health insurance without having to pay for it. These state workers have to. The second issue is that if you get rid of the union so they can't argue for better wages, how are you going to get more employees. What teacher in training is going to want to come to Wisconsin if there is no Union. They are going to go somewhere else. What person is going to want to be an EMT? What person is going to want to do anything in the state if they can't even bargain for an increase in living wages. How about we do what happened across the way. Minnesota added a 5% increase in the tax for the top 5% and he'll balance the budget in a year. If Wisconsin does this plan it will take 10 years to get out of debt. Smart idea right?
There is also national coverage of this. NATIONAL COVERAGE OF THIS! And it's not like it's just on MSNBC or Fox "News". No it's on shows like the Today show or Good Morning America. They are calling it a bill that will strip bargaining rights and get rid of the union. And actually it's a pretty good thing that Fox "News" is covering this. They are calling people protesting in Madison like the Egyptians. Well we know how that turned out. The citizens won. And if the people protesting are like the citizens in Egypt then who's the president they are trying to remove? Republicans and Fox "News" has shown their hand and it clearly is not for the everyday people.
Well enough about that. Tons of people were at the gym today. Had a person in from the local indoor football league. The woman that "trained" with the gym manager/trainer was in. Luckily without the gym manager/trainer. 3 women were in. Then the pompous trainer and his client were in. Tons of people. Now the guy from the football team seemed well confused. He was pretty much doing everything. The client of the gym manager/trainer is very very manish. I mean she really is. Her forearms look like a dude's forearms. She grunts and workouts like a dude. It's kinda scary. Wonder if this is a trend. If it is then it's going to be busy the next couple of weeks. Think everyone is starting to realize how close summer is.
Have you ever heard of the moron test? It's a test that some people created that tests your well comprehension skills. For instance they'll say which one is the biggest karat. They will then have an option of 1 carrot, 3 carrots, or a diamond. Someone that wasn't reading that would choose the 3 carrots. And it's little tricks like that. Well I bring it up because they made a new short that features a couple of the characters that they use in the moron test application. It's kinda cute. Today's tip is there are events that happen that prove just how powerful a peaceful protest truly is.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

And here it comes

So here in Wisconsin a huge battle is waging. In case you didn't know, the new Governor proposed a bill to basically strip bargaining rights for most state workers and make them pay more for their pension and health care. There are huge protests going on. What I want to do is do a poll on everyone protesting. Ask them who did they vote for. I then want to say to everyone that voted for Walker or didn't vote to sit down. Well say to the ones who didn't vote to sit down. Then those that voted for Walker I want to put them in front of the crowd and say these people voted for Walker. They are the reason that you all have to worry about this. I think what's going on here is just a glimpse of what's going on around the country. A lot of places are having voters remorse when it comes to republican votes. The funny thing is my boss' father in law is a hardcore republican. One of his daughters...actually two are state workers. I know he voted for Walker. Well his vote basically can make his daughters pay big time, yet if you ask him about it he'll say something that would make him voting for Walker a good thing or the bill is a good thing. He's like those hardcore Republicans or Democrats that say they can do no wrong. They lie to themselves to say that their Democrat or Republican is right.
And my workout partner challenged me on Tuesday. My gym has two leg press machines. One that puts you at a 90 degree angle and uses plates and a pin. The other puts you at a 45 degree angle and you use weights to determine how much you press. So my workout partner tried the 45 degree one like what I use and he said it was different. So we got to talking and I said well the 90 degree one is easier since it doesn't make you push against gravity. Then we got to talking about how much weight we are pressing. He's like I do 220 and I said well I do 190, but mine is harder. So we were going to do a challenge where I do like 240 on the 90 degree one. Well yesterday I was just thinking about the 45 degree one. I thought of something I said to my workout partner. Without any weight plates the 45 degree one weights 45 lbs. I never ever count the weights of the bars, or machines naturally when I count my weights. Well 45 on top of my 190 = 235. So when I told him that he's like....crap you don't take the normal weight into account. So he just caved in. He did ask me to try the 90 degree one to see if it's easier or harder. Honestly it's different. I didn't like it. Seemed like it had you going up too close. I think my partner forgot that I'm taller then him. Not by much, but enough that it does affect me in positioning things. Really was funny. He was so sure I'd lose. I knew I'd win and I really would have if I hadn't said anything.
Today's tip is don't blind yourself to people's faults. Keeps you from truly accepting them into your life.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Getting warm over here

Tomorrow we are looking at 54 degrees. 54 DEGREES IN FEBRUARY! That is a big deal. I mean the ice and snow is melting at a fast rate as it is. And we are only in the 40's. Then not only will it be warm, but there will be rain. That really melts stuff.
Speaking of which yesterday on the way to work I saw a guy actually out on the river ice fishing. Now keep in mind everything is melting. Yeah I know some parts of the river might have tons of layers and others not so much, but why take that chance when everything is melting. I mean the snow on top of the river is melting and you're seeing puddles of water which is melting the ice on the top. Plus you don't know what the temp underneath the ice is. I mean that's just so stupid. A customer came in and said she lived next to the river and she saw people there until any little step could crack the ice. I just don't understand the push to ice fish when it's over the freezing point? Don't get ice fishing period, but still.
Ok I understand that Autism is something that no one can control, but I mean this customer that keeps coming in is just on my last nerve. I don't know much about Autism. I'm not going to lie about that, but I swear he has gotten so much worse. There was a time when he'd come in maybe once or twice a month. We are looking at once or twice a week. He came in the past 2 days....twice. And I mean he asks you everything. We got asked about insurance at one point. He asks us about money. I mean I think we have to set boundaries like his roommate had to do. Hopefully he comes in so I can ask him his advice. He probably will say yeah you have to set clear boundaries.
Well everyone is talking about Billy Ray Cyrus. He blames Hannah Montana for destroying his family and causing all of Miley's problems. You know I can't say it's all the shows fault. I mean a lot of her problems had to do with parenting. I mean she was a minor for most of the show so you'd think a parent has a bit of a say of what's going on. And the fact that he was in the show. Ugh just don't think he has much to complain about. It got him back in the spotlight too. I'd be more sympathetic if it was a family that came out of no where. Like Mitchel Musso's family, but no it's Billy Ray Cyrus, Mr. Achey Breaky Heart. Hindsight is always 20/20.
I'm sure you all know about the comic strip Cyanide and Happiness. If you don't then I'm sure you've seen the comics here and there. Anyway they have shorts and this is one I've been meaning to post, but I keep forgetting to. It's called Dogs. It paints a very familiar scene. Then something happens in typical Cyanide and Happiness fashion. got to wonder if this is what would have actually happened if it wasn't a Disney movie. Today's tip is if you feel the need to ice fish on a "frozen" river when it's 42 degrees out then you have a problem.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Weird day

It was a weird day yesterday. Just weird when I think about it. Mainly because it was so bright outside. It was Valentine's day. Got new uniforms that day too. It was honestly a weird day.
Yesterday it was just ugh with a customer. It was the guy with Autism again. I swear he is getting worse and worse. He's getting ruder and ruder. I know there is going to be a day when I'm waiting on someone he will just rudely interrupt. I can see it coming. It basically happened yesterday. He came in talked to my boss and got something. Then he comes in later on and he's waiting on someone and he just interrupts. I come and and start talking to him then the phone rings. I say one second and go answer the phone. By the time I get out again he's up there again being rude. He's getting the point when he's getting to need a lot of hand holding and we can't do it. Everyday he's coming in complaining about how he doesn't have money, but needs to buy stuff, then asks us random questions. I just want to sit him down and just say dude you come in every week to never buy anything. You ask us random questions then you go to work. You are wasting gas. Ugh one day.
Today I heard a story in the gym that proves why I hate being in the backroom with other people. The guy that's there from time to time comes in. Tells me and my workout partner about how he was in on Saturday. He was in the backroom and this guy with a bit of a belly comes back there and has his little clipboard. He then goes to the bench press and puts on 45 plates and 25 plates. The older guy leaves to get a drink of water and hears this gasping noise. Runs back to see the chubby guy with the bar at his neck and helps him get it off. He apparently use to be able to lift that. See the problem with the use to guys. They end up killing or hurting themselves.
Lastly I'm sick of Justin Bieber. I feel so sorry for Esperanza Spalding. Biebers fans are being complete assholes and what is he doing. NOTHING! If those were my fans I'd shame them. Say how dare you all harass Esperanza like you have. She won I didn't. Acting like this just proves I didn't deserve this or something to that effect. I mean his fans are crazed. He holds far too much power. I'm glad he didn't win. He needs a major reality check and so do his fans. Honestly I'd say hey until you guys calm down I'm not doing anything anymore. No tours, no talk shows, nothing until you all start learning how to behave. I mean death threats to girls seen with Bieber. Seriously? That's my two cents about that.
I was watching RuPaul's Drag race season 1 again and I watched the episode where Ongina got eliminated (sad face) and the song was Britney Spears Stronger. I use to kinda love this song. One day I'd love it the next I'd hate it. Today it's stuck in my head so I figured I'd post it. Today's tip is you shouldn't count your chickens before they hatch, but you can count the eggs.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Going home....for a week

Got my tickets purchased and everything. So in July I'll be gone for a week. Yay. I must say damn airline tickets are getting expensive. I mean when I first checked on prices a week ago...actually not even that long. They went from $510 to $557. Now that was on bing. I then went to orbitz and yeah those prices went up so I just had to locked in a price. For once American Airlines was cheaper then Delta Airlines. Honestly I never want to fly delta again. Not after the last 4 times I flew with them. No wait it was 3. Anyway just bad bad airline.
So I can never call when people are going to be at the gym. I figured with all the warm weather this morning tons of people would have flocked to the gym. Especially because today is V-day. Would think everyone wanted to be in tip top shape. No one showed up today. I had to do a chest workout. Like I said before I move around a lot on chest workout days. If no one is there it makes it easy for me to do what I need to do. Then that begs the question will this week be a slow gym week because everyone is going out and walking because of the warm up. I mean great for me since that means I won't be in competition with people to get to the machines. Plus this is my last week on my current workout plan. Next week I begin changing things.
For awhile my mom has been pestering me telling me my dad has a girlfriend. They are divorced. Anyway he has never mentioned anything to me. Mentioned something to my brother which is how my mom found out. Well last night I called him to let him know when I was coming and he sounded like he was watching tv. Then I said what are you watching. He said no I'm at a restaurant. Well I said my peace then asked him was he there by himself. He said no someone is here with me. I then said well we are being rude I'll get off and let you finish. Funny how he didn't say yeah my girlfriend.
Today's tip is it's V-day today, so don't be shocked if you hear that a bunch of people are pregnant 2 weeks from now.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Just rambling

This is probably a blog post you want to skip. I need to just go through this big rambling thing with myself. So my boss calls up and tells me that another person said that they had problems with me. Which started this long conversation of is this what I really want? Then he says that a lot more people have been talking about me. So yeah that pissed me off. Then I'm just sitting here thinking what the hell am I doing here. Why the hell am I here. Not like I'm going to school. Not like I have any friends. Obviously don't have a job where I do a good job. So then I thought if I was to go back to Texas who would miss me? Seriously who in the world would miss me? Obviously not my co-worker because he loves to talk about me behind my back. Obviously not the customers. Obviously not my boss. So I'm sitting here thinking what the hell do I want out of life. What the hell am I good at. Answer....nothing. I can sit here and write a blog. I can write reviews, but do you know how hard those jobs are to get? Then I sit here and think do I even want to be around people anymore. Obviously everyone here is two faced. Very two faced. So am I happy here? Answer sounds like a big no. What do I look forward to in a day? The night time. No work. So again why am I here? Why don't I just go back home and be with people that actually want to be around me? Like I said I don't know what I want. I don't know what I want to do. I don't know what job I want. All I know is my goal is to make it to 170 lbs and get my 3rd and final tattoo. Yeah those are my big goals. I mean I thought I was helping people, but it turns out for every 1 person I help 5 pop up and say I was a jack ass. And of those 5, 4 where me asking if they needed help then them saying no I'm just looking. Then I shift from foot to foot. That 1 is someone who just was rude. Either they said our prices where way out there, or they said they could get it cheaper on the internet, or no matter how much I tried to help them they kept finding problems so I gave up. Like I said I have no clue what the hell I'm doing. Just a hopeless mess. Everyone keeps telling me go back to school. Well I don't know what the fuck I want to do. How the hell can I go to school if I don't know what the hell I want to do? Just don't know anymore. Maybe I should go home and just flip burgers for the rest of my life. Honestly I'm just stuck at a fork in the road and I don't even have an clue how to determine which one to take. I go to school and I waste who knows how many years to find out I hate what I studied, or I keep working here and more people come out of the woodwork to say they hate me, or I go home and try to make something work. Honestly I don't know, but I do need to figure it out soon. Real soon.
Right now I'm feeling numb. So I figured I'd post Numb by Linkin Park. Kinda been holding onto this song just in case I well ever felt like this. So here it is. Enjoy or don't. Like I said right now I'm numb so I really don't care. You can't live in denial mainly because humans weren't born with gills. Yay puns.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

And I'm off

Yeah I need a day off. It's been a long Friday. A long and cold Friday. On the plus side I've been looking for tickets to go to texas. Ugh ticket prices are terrible. Worst part is I can't even use Southwest because they don't station at my airport. So I'd have to drive like 2 hours to get to an airport where they actually are. Not fun.
Today's tip is you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover which is why book companies put so much effort into the titles of books.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Weird dreams last night

I just don't know what to think about them. The first one had something to do with a road trip. Kinda can't remember what was up with that. Then I was working and there were these women that went into the back room and wouldn't leave. Then I think I had a dream within a dream or I told my boss in the dream about the ladies. It was weird. Then there I was taking a French test I hadn't studied for. Why French I have no clue. The only thing I can think of was I saw a commercial for Two and a Half Men where Alan spoke some French. Then I was at school and I was basically not trying to do anything. There was a big test coming up and I just wouldn't study for it.k Then some how I got to Patrick, Spongebob, Mr. Krabs. I just don't know what is up with my mind.
Went to the gym and it was pretty quiet. Did learn that the pompous trainer "trains" his client on Fridays. Funny how he actually looks like he's getting rounder. I mean you look at the photo of him on the trainer door or on the website and he looks fit. You look at him now and his face looks rounder. Then his goal is to add 20 lbs. Shouldn't he lose 20 lbs of fat first. Plus he never takes off his jacket. He better get in shape soon. The temperatures are going to be taking a spike soon.
Speaking of the temp we are suppose to be in a warming trend yet it's snowing out. And the stuff is starting to stick. Flurries off and on my ass. It's only been on all day. Well since 7. So sick of winter.
Today's tip is you know you mastered a language when you have a dream in it. Or your mind thinks it can speak it.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Hmmm feeling good....keep it up

Yesterday I just had this revelation. I was in the shower (get your mind out of the gutter) and I was looking at my calves. Then I said holy crap they actually are looking good. Then I went to the mirror and said holy crap I'm starting to get real abs. So well yeah I'm feeling good. Even showed my roommate. He's kinda jealous. He doesn't have the biggest legs in the world. Plus I got my pro-hormone in. I'm trying Bpi's A50 in combination with Applied Nutracutical's HGH up. So I'll keep you guys updated on how those two are working.
I totally can not stand Dr. Oz. I mean the guy jumps from one thing to another. He gets people so freaked out that they go out and look for everything, but none of them stick with it because every week he seems to say something to counteract what he said last week. Or they do what he said do and it didn't work for them so they quit. You'd think that would stick with them, but no. Everyone likes to go from fad to fad. That's how the Acai berry scam started. People said it worked, when it actually didn't.
I meant to post this video yesterday, but well got side tracked. Anyway this is the 4th episode of RuPaul's Drag Race season 3. By far it's the funniest of the season so far. Oh and you have to make it to the lip sync. Just wow. If you saw the 2nd episode of season 3 then well yeah. Just watch. Today's tip is the definition of love is different from person to person. Find your definition and you'll understand your relationships.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Super Super Excited

Today is the last day for my PCT. Today a new product is coming in. It's a new prohormone. Plus I'm trying a new product at the time called HGH up. Hopefully together I can hit the weight I've been trying to hit for a long long time. If it works then I'll be taking that cycle right before I head down to Texas. I like shocking people who haven't seen me in awhile.
Nothing has really been happening besides that. Kinda a slow week really. Probably because I'm sick of the cold. Stupid cold.
I'm sure everyone that has ever been in a Hotel Room knows very well that they have adult channels. Well imagine if whoever was showing you your room had a conversation with you about all the features of their adult channels. And he just kept pushing. Well it might go something like this clip. Or maybe more awkward. Today's tip is sometimes the only way through the darkness is to look for the light. Or carry a flashlight.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Day number 2

Yesterday I played a little game to see how many people would mention the Superbowl when they came into the store. The grand total was....2. That's right. Just 2 people mentioned the game. Now maybe if I was next door more people would have mentioned it. They were having a huge celebration. So I guess I'll see if more people come in talking about it today. Well I guess I can't play the game today since I don't go in until 2. Oh well.
I was watching GMA today and they were talking about a teenager that sleeps with a baby tiger in her room. Anyway they were talking to someone who trains tigers and he sounded just angry about the story. Maybe it was because he was outside, but he was just yelling a lot. Well then I heard Robin say something that yeah I'm sure would piss me off to. She said "I know your heart is in the right place". In case you can't read between the lines, she basically said you are wrong for what you do. It's like when someone says bless his/her heart. It's usually after something bad has happened or they are going through a tough time. Why even say that? Why not say thank you for shedding some light on this issue, but then again she interviewed him like he was wrong for what he does. There is tough interviewing and then there is condescending interviews. That was for sure a condescending interview.
Yesterday I was on twitter and there was a tweet talking about someone's worst workout ever. I read it and well yeah I can see that. You see a lot of people don't understand that going to the gym and staying in shape is truly a lifestyle. It becomes your day to day. So on days when you plan to workout and don't get to do it, it's a terrible day. I've had days when that has happened. It's a terrible workout not working out. Like I said it's a lifestyle thing. You make time for it. It becomes part of your life. That's how you stay healthy.
Today's tip is one of the best skills to learn is learning to not take things personally. Sometimes an "attack" on you truly has nothing to do with you.

Monday, February 7, 2011


Well I don't need to tell you that the Superbowl was last night. If any of you follow my tweets, you would have seen a lot of my Superbowl related tweets. Pretty much the only way I would have stayed focused on the game. I must say I'm happy the Packers one, mainly for Aaron Rogers. I mean this was the season that he could finally come out of Brett's shadow. I mean Brett played horribly. He still has that scandal to deal with. Now Aaron Rogers gets the Packers to the Superbowl and they win. Yeah think Packers fans are finally truly on Rogers side. Yet I kinda feel sorry for Brett (not by much). I mean I'm sure the Vikings fans blame him. They yeah blamed it on coaching, but I'm sure now that the season is over a lot more will be saying Brett cost us a lot of games. Then any Packers fans that still hadn't switched over to Rogers now have. I mean he has no legacy in the fans hearts. Yeah he has it on paper, but well what will he be remembered for, for a few years. The scandal, the injury, the flubs, and the whole retiring the coming back thing.
I must say Groupons blew it last night. I mean that's the problem when you have just a bunch of yes men. You'd think someone would speak up and say hey, let's not go with this. I bet people will think it's offensive. Or someone did and got fired. I mean it starts off like some sort of PSA then suddenly says, but I saved money at this restaurant that is based on the Tibetan culture here in New York. Just a stupid idea. Well good luck with that.
Christina Aguilera was the talk of Twitter and morning news today. Sadly not for her "fabulous" singing. She screwed up the National Anthem. Well flubbed is a better word. Forgot some lyrics. All I can say is, well what did you expect. I mean these singers nowadays are so bent on making the national anthem "their own". Because of all the ooooo's that she did, she was bound to forget something. If she'd just sing it, I bet she wouldn't have forgot the lyrics. Hopefully next year they get someone that will sing the national anthem not "make it their own".
I don't know why it surprises me anymore. Going to the gym and seeing that people just can't pick up after themselves. It was just horrible today. I don't know if this guy came in then realized the Superbowl was almost on so he just got up and left or what. He left his card on the preacher curl station. What is it with guys named Jason. They always seem to be the ones that do that type of stuff. Least in my experience. Maybe it has to do with the Power Rangers. The original red ranger was Jason and he lifted weights so I don't know if every Jason then said oh that's what I must do and just never learned gym etiquette. I mean this dude left out a bar with weights on it in the middle of the floor. He used a bench to get to the pull up bar and left a huge as foot print. He left weights on the Smith Machine. I just shook my head and said I'm not cleaning this up. I'm hear to workout, not babysit. If this grown ass man can not clean up after himself then he shouldn't be at a gym. I don't care if I'm in a rush or not. I always clean up after myself. I put weights back where they belong so other people can use it if they so need to. Don't just throw things in the middle of the floor and expect the "maid" to clean them up later.
I believe I posted this video before, but I'm probably wrong. The song is Thesis of a Cruel Angel. It was the opening for Neon Genesis Evangelion. I like this video because it honestly did a good job taking clips from the show. I mean the way this video goes, is pretty much how the show went. Very very confusing. You seemed to only get bits and pieces and still didn't get the whole thing by the end of the show. It was very well done. Hope you like it. Today's tip is when you surround yourself with yes men, you lose out on honest critics that help you pull off great things.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Superbowl Sunday

That's today. As a result I made sure to get to the store early. Which is kinda annoying. That's when pretty much everything is gone. So they are working on restocking. As a result there are tons of obstacles. Just not fun.
Yesterday I visited with my co-worker to let him know what's going on. I think he has no clue what to talk to me about and as a result he gives me all the dirt about his so called friends. Probably why I refuse to tell him anything remotely private. I mean who wants to worry that anything that you say to someone is going to get to random people who barely know you. I mean I rarely see his friends. I may see them once every two weeks. Well depending on which one. Yet he tells me these stories and it puts things in your mind. I mean he calls one shady now and yeah I kinda treat him shady when he comes in. Well the last time. Then after he dishes about them he insists on telling me about his house. Or tell me about what he plans on doing at the gym. Honestly I don't care. I don't tell him my every move so why does he have to tell me his.
For some reason this song just started playing in my head as I was doing laundry. It was a show that didn't last too long (shocker). The show was called Super Duper Sumos. Based on the opening I'm sure you all can imagine why it didn't last too long. Today's tip is it is never a good time to talk smack about your so called friends. If you've found a time then that's why you don't have any.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Saturday yet again

And I got quite a few things to do. Had to go get change for my co-worker. Now I have nothing big to do. Yeah maybe I didn't have a few things to do. Man I'm bored. So I'll skip to the end.
Time for an SMA remix episode. It's pretty darn funny. Shows what would have happened if DIC went with it's original plan for Sailor Moon. I mean wow it probably would have been exactly like that. Ok not exactly like, but pretty darn close. Today's tip is if you don't have issues then you're not human. Don't forget that.

Friday, February 4, 2011

So funny

So it's really funny that the Superbowl is in my hometown. On top of that it's covered in snow and ice. Last year it kinda happened too. I left the state after visiting and wham they get hit with a foot of snow. All my friends got 4 days off. Me I get way more snow throughout the season and not once did I not go to work because the roads were bad. And I mean they were bad sometimes. Should be fun.
I swear I always get some of the stupidest questions asked me. So this older woman comes in. She picks up a bottle of an essential oil and asks "is that the price for the whole bottle?" I'm sorry did you really just ask me that question. No that's the price for one drop. Who sells a liquid in a bottle or container per drop. Or for half a bottle. I mean seriously that is a stupid question. They say there is no such thing, but I can come up with quite a few stupid questions. Well there stupid if you are older then 4.
Today's video is N*SYNC's Bye Bye Bye. I'm in a retro mood lately. The video is such a funny video. It was the introduction to the new N*SYNC. Least that's what I thought when I first saw it. I mean Chris cut his hair, and Joey died it. Justin's hair got all poofy. I mean when you look at some of the first videos they looked so young. Today's tip is think before you speak. Keeps you from asking a stupid question or saying a stupid comment.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Sorry about that

Was really really busy yesterday. A lot happened. Sadly some asshole shoplifted and what pisses me off is that if I had spent two seconds looking I would have caught him. My boss said don't worry about it. You at least know who it is and the next time they come in we'll make sure we get him. Pisses me off though. Ugh pisses me the fuck off.
The other thing pissing me off is the weather. I'm so ready for spring. No more snow, no more ice, no more negative temperatures. I keep trying to tell myself oh just make it through February. Make it through this month and it will get warmer. I mean I was going to the gym at about 6:20 and I could see the sun starting to rise. Couldn't say that a week ago. So we are getting there.....very slowly. I will say when it melts it's going to be very very very wet.
Today's song is the Ketchup Song. The funny thing is that's actually the name of the song. I heard it several times and I tried to find the name of it. Then when I heard it was the Ketchup song I just shook my head. Today's tip is bad things happen. How you handle it will determine how much of your life will be lived after something bad happens.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Tueday cold days

Yep today is cold. Snow is out. Hopefully the snow removal people will do their job, but I doubt it. It's 9:09 and they are suppose to be here by 9. If they aren't here by the time I leave at 1 I'm sending an e-mail to my landlord. Ugh so not good. Yesterday was abnormally slow work wise, mainly because of the snow that was falling. Hopefully it will be more busy today.
Other then that nothing big has been going on with me.
Speaking of new abridged episodes, SMA came out with a new episode. They got a new voice for Darren and a new opening. I will say it's not one of the best, but it was long overdue. Thanks a lot youtube. Today's tip is there is no such thing as a good excuse. There is such thing as a good truthful statement that gets you out of something.