Friday, April 1, 2011

And it's April Fools again

Yep it's that time again. Ugh I'm so glad I don't work at pizza parlors or any restaurant for that matter. I can imagine so many of them getting April fools jokes. Not fun. Plus this morning there was snow. That's right snow on the way to the gym. Ugh I'm so sick and tired of snow. Would it just hit 70 already. In other news my b-day is now 6 months away. Which means I better start thinking about what I'm going to do for my b-day. I'm sure I'm going to get another tattoo. My last one on my back. I'll have to make sure I have someone to drive me. Driving will not be fun for a few days until it heals. Plus with my luck I'm going to have some leakage of plasma like I had with my one on my arm. Well I can't wait. Shockingly no one did tanning today at the gym. The only person on staff was the pompous trainer. That man is clearly in this just for the money and just to show off. You can see it in the way he trains his clients. On the leg press there is a lever that locks and unlocks the leg press. Instead of bending down to pull or push it for his client. He used his foot. Like he was too high and mighty to simply bend over and pull it. Then I see him yawning while training this woman. Well sorry she ruined your beauty sleep. How about showing a little enthusiasm. One day she'll wake up and realize the guy is only doing it for the money. Not because he wants to help you be all you can. Today's tip is today is the day no one trusts anything you say. Got to love April Fools paranoia.

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