Thursday, June 30, 2011

Day 28

Well I'm less sore then yesterday, but still sore. I had a crappy workout this morning. I tried a sample of a new pre-workout and wow it was terrible. I started yawning in the middle of it. Now I'm not sure if it's because my body is still recovering from the leg workout or if it was the pre-workout. I'll know tomorrow and the next time I try it.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Day 27

Sadly the pro-hormone doesn't seem to help too much with recovering from being sore. I'm still recovering from those super low squats. Again I think it's worth it and the soreness will go down the more I do this, but damn does it hurt. Just a few more days of my stuff then I'm on my PCT. I need to make sure to weigh myself soon.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Day 26

I'M SO SORE! Today I did something different. I did squats, but I did the super low ones where your butt practically touches the ground. I know it's worth it, but I won't be sitting/walking properly for awhile. In the long run I'll have a lot stronger legs, but right now ow. The thing that really shocked me was that when I did this I cut the weight I normally squat with in half. So as I'm putting this 80 lbs on my shoulders I can't help, but think wow this is so light. Then as I'm really pushing through I realize holy crap 80 lbs is so heavy. Heavy in a good way where I do it properly, but I do get a good workout. When I get back up to 160 it's going to be amazing. My headache has also gone away. Think it was stress related.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Day 25

I forgot to post yesterday. I am not getting enough sleep. Seems like I can't sleep. Plus I have this nagging headache. I also tried to add Size On Pre-Contest to my supplements, but honestly I think I'm taking too much and it makes me so full that I can barely finish my protein so I'll have to take it at a different time. Ugh fun.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Day 23

Well things are winding down nicely. Well except my dreams. Swear those are getting stranger and stranger. I guess pretty soon I'll have to figure out my new thing to do. My cardio workout went fine. No one was there again. I do love summer since people get lazy and don't go to the gym, but I'm too cheap to not go to what I paid for.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Day 22

And everything is winding down nicely. Can't really complain. I will say that we got a new pro-hormone in and apparently it works quite well so I want to try that out, but I do have to do my pct and another liver cleanse. So that's the plan.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Day 21

Today was arm day and it was pretty good. Was pretty much alone in the back room again like I like. Seems like next week I'll be able to safely move up all my weights. I'm also changing up exercises. Right now I'm doing preacher curls, but the other day I was trying to think of a new tricep workout and I did the reverse curl. I liked how it worked my bicep so I'm going to take away the preacher curl. And at the end of next week should be the end of my propadrol. I'll be doing my pct. Hopefully the store will have the one I like to use.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Day 20

Hard to believe it's day 20 of my pro-hormone. It still causes me sweat a lot. Or it's the combo of my pro-hormone and my new pre-workout Nitroflex. I mean seems like my pits are always sweating and I'm always hot. Well just 10 more days of this. And my trip is almost here and I'm so ready for it.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Day 19

Well the pro-hormone is going into over drive now. I swear my BO is super heavy. I'm sweating like no bodies buisness. I wore a shirt for like an hour took it off then put it on later on and it was still drenched. It's honestly amazing. Now it could also be because of the pre-workout I'm now taking which also is suppose to enhance testosterone. Just got to keep this going for 20 more days.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Day 18

Yep. Today is day 18. A lot of stuff happened today. Today I switched my pre-workout. This one doesn't have creatine in it which is actually a good thing for me. The reason being is next week I'm going to start taking Size On Pre-Contest. I took that stuff awhile ago and it really did seem to work and do what it said it was going to do. I think I have about 2 weeks worth of it left which means that I should run out by the time I go back to Texas. I also got measured. Per usual my body fat is up. It's not a terrible number. It's about 8%. That's not terrible, but in the winter I'm down near 5 and 4. I am however at my heaviest. Not only that, but my bicep finally hit 15 inches. That is a first for me. So I'm hoping that when my body fat goes down that bicep will stay about 15. This will for sure be interesting.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Day 17

Yesterday was a pretty interesting day. Think my emotions were backed up and as a result when I got to release them I was probably a little meanier then I meant to be. Then again I did need to be blunt to get it off my system and let the person know that I'm not playing around. Probably won't see him online for awhile. I don't plan on apologize. The reason being is that well he was in the wrong and he knows it. As for today ab workout for me.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Day 16

Today is the 16th day meaning I have 14 more days to go before this stuff is done. Seems like I've kinda peeked on this stuff. Doesn't seem like there are anymore surprises that I can expect.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Day 15

Well I'm sore from my chest workout yesterday which is the first time since I've started taking this stuff. I had a terrible dream last night. The joy of a pro-hormone. Other than that again I'm kinda use to the stuff now.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Day 14

I don't think I've masted the mind muscle connection with my chest. I had a good workout yes, but I couldn't do what I did with my legs. Now I did have a good chest workout. Felt like I worked a whole lot better than I have ever worked it, but I couldn't pin point things like I did with my legs. I think the muscle groups I have a better connection with are my legs and back. So we'll see how that goes tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Day 13

Yep today is day 13. Today I didn't get to go for my walk or really do anything because 1. it was raining and 2 I didn't seem to want to get up this morning. Other than that nothing big is really going on. Can't wait to hit the gym tomorrow because I get to test out that mind muscle connection some more.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

No this is day 12

Ok eventually I'll get it right. Anyway today was my leg workout day. It was an interesting day. I was doing leg press and it didn't feel like my lef leg was getting a good workout. So I kinda pin pointed it and I felt it. It was weird. I was able to do it during my whole workout. It's like I finally got that mind muscle connection that you hear and read about. Can't wait to try it on other muscle groups. I don't know if it's as a result of the pro-hormone or if it's a result of me working out for over a year. Either way it's really cool.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Day 12

Well I think again I notice some physical differences. It looks like I have lost quite a bit of fat and gained a good bit of muscle. Now it's not like I had a whole lot of fat to lose to begin with. I mean my body fat at last check was 7.83%. That's not a whole lot. I'm still in the lean bracket. The only thing is that my body fat has been staying around the 5-6% mark and I think it's back down there now. Strength seems like it's good and steady. I'm not super tired after a workout. My arms also look like they are more defined. Like there is a clear line between my bicep and my tricep. It just looks different really. Even when my arm is extended you can tell where it is which hasn't really happened before. Veins are popping up everywhere on my arm. Makes it hard to tell if I'm simply dehydrated or if they are just popping out. Also started out my day with a different breakfast. I actually had a smoothie. I like smoothies, but they are so time consuming to make. I got this smoothie mix and it made a pretty darn good smoothie. I also weighed myself and I weight more now than I have ever weighed. I'm just hoping I can keep that going. I'd like to weight at least 170 by the end of the year. Would like to keep the body fat below 7%, but the main goal is to hit that 170.
Mood wise I think I've settled down again. Don't feel like I'm so irritable. Now there are certain things that still piss me off, but they were things I couldn't stand when I wasn't on a pro-hormone. Now it's just at a heightened pitch. For instance my roommate wanting to have conversations while I'm watching TV or doing my ab workout. Least I don't want to throw him out the window like I have been wanted to do these past few days. As for my "friend" who can't seem to make up his mind. I'm actually doing better with that. I've just said screw it he's not going to change. I have a life to live and it is not centered around him. So if he can't so much as say hello then screw him.
I also got exactly 4 weeks before my trip now. That means it's getting close to crunch time. Pretty soon I'll have to start penciling people in after my parents. Should be interesting. Hopefully I won't be doing too much sitting around on my trip. Seems so boring to go back home to visit just to sit at home doing nothing.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Acutal Day 10

I realized yesterday was actually day 9 and instead of going to fix it I just say screw it. Well again I'm having really strange and vivid dreams. I can recall the later part and then as I'm replaying it I remember more and more of the other part. As for today I'm doing my ab workout which means I'm taking my stuff later on. I'll also be battling a headache coming soon.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Day 10

Not too much to report. Seems like I got my rage under control. Workouts are going good. That's really all I got.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Day 8

Also known as a week since I started. I will say yesterday I got very very irritable. I mean I was getting ready to leave work and I wanted to punch a metal door. I mean I really almost did it. Mainly because it was a slow day, the customers I did get were jerks, and I'm done being a door mat for someone. So I was just pissy. Then my roommate decides he wants to have a deep conversation with me as I'm watching World's Dumbest which pissed me off more. Yeah I think my pro-hormone is working. That's usually the last sign of it working. Getting pretty irritable.
As for my leg workout today I was completely shocked. I was able to just breeze through my workout. I didn't feel like I was very fatigued. Felt like I could have done more. In fact on my leg extensions I accidentally pushed the weight up by 10 instead of 5 like I usually do. I mean I pushed out 3 sets of 12 no problem. When I realized my mistake I was already done so I did the same thing with my leg curls and almost did 3 sets of 12. Only 2 and a set of 10. It will for sure be interesting.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Day 7

Day 7 of my pro-hormone and I really do feel like it's working. I mean sleep is really heavy with very vivid dreams. The only difference is that I'm not sleeping as long as I should, but the fact that the little sleep I have is so heavy it feels like I'm not tired throughout the day. My workouts are going good. I'm horny a lot of the time which tells me it's working. Does seem like I'm hot all the time. My roommate keeps telling me that. He can't even sit next to me without needing to cool down. I'm sweating all the time too. Seems like I am burning a lot of fat. Seems like My abs are a lot more visible. Might have to take a picture of me at the end of the cycle. Wish I took a before picture. Then take a mid-way picture, then an after.
So I figured I need to shed some light on something. A pro-hormone is NOT a steroid. It is not a direct injection or consumption of a steroid. A pro-hormone basically gives your body the building blocks to make testosterone quicker. It does not shut down your production. Now yes you may produce a bit less, but you still produce some. That's why when you finish a cycle you take a test booster to rev up your natural production of it. It also helps to make sure that all the extra test doesn't get converted into estrogen.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Day 6

Today I just did a 15 minute walk so that I felt like I did something. Whenever I don't do some sort of workout on a Wednesday I feel like crap. Hopefully I feel better later today. That's pretty much it with me today.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

It's day 5

Day 5 and I did another back and shoulder workout. Again it felt like I was really working my back. I swear my back and legs are the first body parts to react to anythihng. I got out of bed and felt my leg and it just feels fuller. Had a good workout today. Seemed like a just blew through my workout. Seems like I didn't have to rest as long. In reality it was probably as long as a normal workout. I'm still throwing out heat like it's going out of style. Can't wait to see what happens when I finisht his scycle.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Day number 4

So today number 4. I believe it's working. I seem to be sweating a lot. It's not an all over sweat. It's mainly around my stomach which has the most body fat. I think that means that fats is being burned and creating a lot of heat. I'm having tons of crazy dreams. And it's not just crazy dreams, seems like I get super deep sleep even though I may only sleep for 2 or 3 hours at a time. I'm also getting a bit more horny. Which is like the big sign that it's working. Can't wait to get measured.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Day number 3

I haven't taken my pro-hormone yet because of the fact that I haven't worked out yet. Yesterday was a crappy day. I think it was more to do with the fact that the networks I use at work weren't working. Then someone who promised that we'd chat ended up not chatting with me. That's pretty much the only big thing. I will say that at some point in the day I suddenly felt better. Don't know why.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Day #2

So today is the 2nd day of my cycle. I will say that last night I had some odd dreams which usually happens when I'm on a pro-hormone. It was so vivid to. Anyway don't feel sore from yesterday's workout. That is good. I don't feel moody. In fact I think I'm in a bit of a better mood then I have been in the past few days. I also decided to do something on my ab workout that I haven't done. I've been doing crunches and all that stuff for awhile and I think I hit a plateau. So now I'm going to add a 5 lb plate and ankle weights. The ankle weights are more for when I do the leg lifts for my lower abs. I was reading in a fitness magazine that if you want deeper cuts in your abs that you should try adding some weights. The thing with my abs is they are the abs that are more internal than external. Those models that seem to have abs that pop are those that have abs that are more external. In order for me to get a visible 6 pack (more so than now), is the lower my body fat to like 2% and/or lose like 10 lbs and make sure it's only fat which I don't even think I have on my body. Think I only have like 8-9 lbs of body fat. So it's not worth doing that, but possibly making deeper cuts might make them more visible. I mean my abs are a hell of a lot more visible than when I first started. Especially in adding an ab workout. I'll keep everyone updated of course.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Day 1

Today is the first day of my pro-hormone cycle. So how do I feel about it so far. Well I will say that it seemed like when I was working out today I really felt more of my muscles getting worked meaning my concenration was a lot higher. Didn't seem to get too tired out either. It was a good day. The pompous trainer and his client didn't show up which meant I had the back all to myself which was nice. Tomorrow I'll have a better idea of how it helps with my recovery. I'm assuming I won't be so sore. Not that I get very sore now. I'll also give a heads up on any mood changes with my twitter account.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Good start

Today I hit the gym again today and I had a really good chest workout. It's kinda shocking. I didn't do anything special, but I'm not complaining. It was pretty empty too which also made me feel good. Tomorrow I begin my pro-hormone cycle and that will be interesting. I'm suppose to take 4 pills once daily, but I'll be splitting it up. I'll take 2 with my pre-workout and Kre-Alkalyn and then 2 with my protein. So Yeah I get 4 within an hour and half. Just figured I'd get the most out of it that way. I also established that on Wednesdays I'm going to do something. Wednesdays I drag like no other. I feel like I'm really moody or unengaged with customers. I'm tired all the time. So that means I'm just going to do something in the morning to get the blood flowing. It can be just a 15 minute walk or some isometic exercises. I figure that will get the blood flowing and still give my body the rest it deserves.
Speaking of the gym I'm apparently on the top 10 people that visited the gym in May. That's actually pretty interesting. I clocked 23 visits. The funny thing is the last 4 months that would have put me towards the bottom of the list not towards the top. I think it's like what my co-worker said about his own gym. Come January all the newbies sign up and go in all gung ho. Then as the summer approaches they all start disappearing. And it's not just the newbies. Everyone that was kinda stuck inside go out and spend most of their time outdoors. Well the thing about me is I am super frugal. My gym dues are like 35 or 34 bucks. So if I'm only there like 5 times that's 7 bucks a trip, but if I go in a lot more each trip is basically a lot less. Plus I feel so much better when I workout. Spending money on this makes me go out and really use the service. Being cheap is the best thing to happen to my body.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Ok trying again

I really do need to get back into the habit of blogging. Honestly it was good for me. Well today will be the first day of a month long blog series hopefully. In 41 days I'll be heading back to Texas for a visit. Well maybe it's 40 days. I'm leaving on July 11th. Anyway I'm making sure I'm in good shape come then. So that means on the 3rd (Friday) I'm starting a 30 day pro-hormone cycle. Should be interesting. Currently I'm up to 168 lbs which is nice. On the 20th I'll get measured to see how my body fat composition is and by then I'll know if it's working. It will be interesting that's for sure.
I'll also have to keep up with any wild mood swings or increased energy I get. Like I said I'll try my best to stay on this, but I make no promises.