Monday, August 1, 2011

Always repeating myself

I find myself doing that a lot. I was at the gym and another infomerical was on for an exercise thing. This was the ab rocker twister or something like that. Now here is the part where I repeat myself. Look at the before and after photo. I swear 90% of them looked like they just simply sucked in the gut. The thing that people that see these don't get is that it's very easy to make someone look like they lost weight or that they are super ripped. It just requires a diet that dehydrates you so that the skin is sucked right onto the muscle. Plus there are gels and paint on tans that can bring out more definition under light. Plus hello they use fitness models to shows these items. Now I'm not saying that they don't work. I'm saying that they don't work as well as they want you to believe. If they did then why aren't these items around for longer than a year? Plus if you read the white fine print it says the results are atypical. That means they are not typical. Meaning that most likely the models were given a special diet to get some of the dramatic results you see. Plus that way if you call up saying you didn't get those results they can say hey we said that the results were atypical. Got to love critical thinking.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Had one of those days

Yesterday was just not a fun day. Storms kept rolling in and out yesterday so that didn't set the mood very high. Then I get a call from my gym partner saying that the pompous trainer showed up and said that we didn't sign a year contract. Well that's not true as you'll find out if you go back to my may archive. So that made him get a little pushy. That and the trainer also made it sound like we stole a drawing box. Well they got talking and turns out the pompous trainer will be the new gym manager because the previous gym manager had military stuff to do. Although when he was talking to my friend he made it sound like he might have left for a different reason. Well they talked for like half and hour and turns out the pompous trainer isn't so pompous when you talk to him. Well anyway I had to go stop by the gym with my copy of the contract to show that we should be on a year membership not a month to month. When I stopped in I met the gym owner (again) and showed him that we signed a new contract and the previous guy must not have put it in. Even though we signed it in may. Also turns out that there was a copy of that contract in our file. By this time the somewhat pompous trainer soon to be manager showed up. So that is all set up and set away. Plus I'm still dealing with this weird lump on my chin. It's going down, but I'd like to know what the hell it was. Sure it had to do with stress.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Always makes me laugh

It always makes me laugh when I see people do one thing and say another. I was watching the Today show which were talking about a fake apple store in China. Now you must note that the front of the store says Apple Store. They wear the apple shirts, and have apple products, and basically look like an Apple store. When an employee was interviewed she refused to show her face. She says the media is distorting the facts. What is there to distort. You are presenting yourself as an employee of an Apple Store that is not an Apple Store. What is there to not get. There are only 4 legit Apple Stores in China and you are not one of them. You didn't apply to become a legit Apple Store yet you set yourself up like you are. Then they interviewed the manager who again refused to show his face. He basically said they are real products with a real protection plan so who cares. We are also applying to become a real Apple Store. I think yeah Apple will probably let them, but I think they will have a lot of money to pay Apple in response. If they wanted to they could sue them right now. Find out how they are getting all there products. And all that fun stuff. Just amazes me that they want to do this.

Monday, July 25, 2011

What happened to Gym Etiquette ?

I swear a majority of people at my gym do not exercise it. Everyday I see equipment put in the wrong place or weights left out. Twice a 100lb dumbbell has been left out. I honestly just don't get it. What is the big deal with not being an ass when it comes to the gym. Plus it does not help that 2 out of the 3 trainers are just as bad as the members if not worse. The other day the only female trainer had her client go from one machine to the next without wiping down the machine. Well I guess I should mention what started this. I get to the gym today and there was a guy in the back. When I went to fill up my water bottle I noticed that the smith machines had weights on it and the guy was not using it. So I did my warm up bike ride and then my dips and he was still not using it. So I go to the back move the bench that was there. Take off all the weights move the bench I wanted and put on the weights I needed. After awhile the guy left. When I was leaving my gym partner said what did you do to that guy? He left in a huff. I said I don't know and I explained to him what happened. My partner agreed that I did nothing wrong. If you are going to use something use it. Don't get up and use something else unless your super setting in which case I would have seen him go from one thing to the next. I'm no longer playing this mind reader crap. If someone is not on something and I need to use it I'm going to use it. If you don't say hey I'm super setting do you mind holding off for a second then I'm going to use it. I understand super setting. I do it on my arm days, but I also pay attention to who is in the back with me and who is using what. I just flat out do not understand this mentality of treating a gym you go to like your home gym. If you see that other people are there how about you stick with one machine then get off it. Don't get up walk around, stare at a tv for 5 minutes, then go back to do another set. Like I said what happened to gym etiquette?
In other news turns out from a month ago I lost a pound, but everything stayed pretty much where it was which is not what I expected. I expected my body fat to sky rocket, but it stayed where it was. The weird thing is I weighed myself on Saturday and I was up by .2 lbs from where I was last month, then managed to lose it all by today. Odd, but it also means that I'm staying pretty consistent.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Didn't see that coming

Yesterday I was checking my e-mail and I got an e-mail from my gym which isn't odd. Then I looked at it and it looked like it was from the gym head quarters. Turns out that I was awarded the Presidential Active Lifestyle award. Basically for adults you have to be active at least 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week, for 6 out of 8 weeks. Well I've actually done that awhile ago, but it turns out that my gym keeps track of this so they sent me the e-mail congratulating me and giving me the link to the certificate. I must say it's pretty nice, but it would have been nicer if they actually filled it in for me. Not like they don't have my full name. At first I thought it was a scam, but since they aren't getting anything out of it it clearly wasn't. I then googled it to double check and yeah it's real. You can actually do it yourself by signing up for it online. I'm sure you then have to sign in, log what you did and for how long. If I had known about it ahead of time I would have gotten one the second it came out. Well not the second, but at least 6 weeks later. I've always worked out at least 5 days a week only recently have I moved up to 6 with 5 days at the gym instead of 4. Well either way I got it done and now I'm going to print it out and hang it up in the store. It's another conversation starter.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Leg day again

Oh I can tell I'm going to be sore again. Today was my leg day and I did those low squats again. I will say they aren't bothering me at the moment, but we'll see come later today. Luckily I have a bit of extra glutamine to take later. I also dropped off my car for hopefully the last big repair for awhile. I do need a new muffler, but well that's going to have to wait until closer to winter when I get a bit of extra money. I might also have to get a 2nd job to pay with all these bills. I need to find a job that I can do online or something. I just can't really have another job where I deal with people. I get enough of that from my job here. That's what happened when I got that 2nd job for Christmas. I was dealing with people all the time plus crappy winter weather. Made me very cranky as you can see if you go back to last December.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Back home from the trip

Finally back home from the trip. It was nice to see everyone again, but good to be home again. I really missed coming into work. I swear the next time I go on vacation it will be so hard on me. I felt bad leaving, but I also felt bad coming back. Just a lot of bitter sweetness. I think it's as my roots get planted here it gets harder to leave, but at the same time when I see what and who I'm missing I can feel the roots starting to plant themselves. I think sometime in the next few years I'll be moving closer to Texas. Probably Oklahoma. I'm far enough that I can start a new life, but close enough I can visit my old one. It won't happen next year or even the year after that unless something major happens.